The house of a militiaman and an airman

  • bramisek
  • The house of a militiaman and an airman

 1 week ago

It is cloudy, with occasional showers, and we are wading through a muddy field. The mud that sticks to our shoes makes very comfortable temporary heels that are a joy to walk on. However, we eventually reach the grounds of the infamous "Letka" house. But we are very much in plain sight so plan B is to go the other way, so we wade through the mud again but this time in the other direction, we wade through the field 6 more times in the next hour all because of paranoia from the neighbours. But in the end we take...  show more 
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There are many abandoned places known amongst urbexers that carry not only their charm but...

Gable cover.

under the Barrandov rocks

* Uličnická Gallery * Zizkov Spa - NOT AVAILABLE