Cellars of the House of Culture

  • bramisek
  • Cellars of the House of Culture

 3 months ago

Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, 

It's been a few months, but I still have mixed feelings about this urbex. The abandoned community centre is still a small part of it and the garden is still in use. I can't tell if it's an infiltration or an urbex... We're jumping the gate, and we're in the garden of the community center. We look for a window, a door, anything, but to no avail. All we find are dead hedgehogs, crows and rats... I don't think this is the way. But then we notice an open cellar window. But it's only about three metres to the floor...  show more 
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so far a smaller collection, I don't really care for some of you xD __everywhere___

There are many abandoned places known amongst urbexers that carry not only their charm but...

* Uličnická Gallery * Zizkov Spa - NOT AVAILABLE

Gable cover.

under the Barrandov rocks