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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
8 months ago
Pardubický kraj, Pardubice,
The joint-stock company was founded in 1919 in Prague, 60 percent of the shares were held by the state and the rest by employees. It produced telephones and telegraphs and in 1921 moved to Pardubice. Its production programme also included electron tubes for radar and radio equipment. In 1945 the company was incorporated into the national company Tesla. In the 1950s it focused on radars. Its work included the famous Tamara radar, which saw invisible NATO planes. After privatisation in 1993, the company went bankrupt within five years. Then the site fell into disrepair for decades and this year the...
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The joint-stock company was founded in 1919 in Prague, 60 percent of the shares were held by the state and the rest by employees. It produced telephones and telegraphs and in 1921 moved to Pardubice. Its production programme also included electron tubes for radar and radio equipment. In 1945 the company was incorporated into the national company Tesla. In the 1950s it focused on radars. Its work included the famous Tamara radar, which saw invisible NATO planes. After privatisation in 1993, the company went bankrupt within five years. Then the site fell into disrepair for decades and this year the last remaining building, the original Telegrafia, will go down. The University of Pardubice tried to preserve it, but unfortunately this is not possible, so it will disappear without a trace, just like the one in Hloubětín or Holešovice.
Akciová společnost vznikla v roce 1919 v Praze, 60 procent akcií držel stát, zbytek zaměstnanci. Vyráběla telefony a telegrafy a od 1921 se přestěhovala do Pardubic. Ve výrobním programu měla také elektronky pro radary nebo rozhlasové přístroje. V roce 1945 byla firma začleněna do národního podniku Tesla. V 50. letech se zaměřila na radary. Jejím dílem byl i slavný radiolokátor Tamara, který viděl neviditelné letouny NATO. Po privatizaci v 1993 do pěti let podnik zkrachoval. Pak dekády areál chátral a letos půjde k zemi zbytek poslední budovy, právě původní Telegrafia. Univerzita Pardubice se jí snažila zachovat, bohužel to není možné, a tak zmizí beze stopy stejně jako třeba ta hloubětínská, nebo holešovická.
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