Descriptive number 35

  • hawky
  • Descriptive number 35

 3 months ago

A small-town shack that I stumbled upon while walking around one of my industrials, and which is no longer inhabited. Even the adjacent barn is no longer occupied by cows. And the speculator who bought the property, as well as others in the area, probably has no intention of being charitable, considering the state he leaves it in...
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  • bramisek

    3 months ago

    tak ten znam taky, tyhle venkovský domy maj svojí vůni (doslova)


The abandoned recreation centre is dilapidated and ruined. There is one large building with three...

A former children's camp that should have been unused for 15 years, a few buildings...

The glassworks was founded by Josef A. E. Z. (1866 - 1943). The glassworks with...

After the furniture factory we went to the nearby glass factory.Some of the buildings are...