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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
5 months ago
The oldest preserved mention of the village is in the charter of Charles IV from 1360. During the Thirty Years' War, however, the village suffered greatly from the passage of the imperial army, and after the end of the war, according to the tax ruler, the new owners, the Liechtensteins, had only a so-called hamfest court with a mill and a sheepfold.
The village itself, the mill and other buildings were never rebuilt and only the solitude with the former yard has remained to this day. The owner of what is left of the yard is said to live in the solitude.
The village itself, the mill and other buildings were never rebuilt and only the solitude with the former yard has remained to this day. The owner of what is left of the yard is said to live in the solitude.
Nejstarší dochovaná zmínka o vsi je v listině Karla IV. z roku 1360. V průběhu třicetileté války ale ves velmi utrpěla průchodem císařského vojska, po jejím skončení zde podle berní ruly měli noví majitelé Lichtenštejnové již pouze tzv. hamfestní dvůr s mlýnem a ovčínem.
Samotná ves, mlýn a další stavby již nebyly nikdy obnoveny a do dnešních dnů zůstala pouze samota s bývalým dvorem. Na samotě prý žije majitelka toho, co z dvora zůstalo.
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