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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
How time went with NNJ (building)
Jak šel čas s NNŽ (budova)
- hawky
- How time went with NNJ (building)
5 months ago
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha,
On March 1, 1936, regular operations began in the iconic functionalist station building, comparable perhaps only to the "Ostrava Hradcany". But only for those who did not just pass by the administrative building with its cabriolet tiling on one of the two avenues that were created thanks to this main station to feed Prague, but entered its halls. The project was world-class in its time, thanks in part to the builders Skorkovsky (one of the builders of our fortifications), Belad (he designed the metro before the war and the A line was largely built to that design), etc. The steel...
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On March 1, 1936, regular operations began in the iconic functionalist station building, comparable perhaps only to the "Ostrava Hradcany". But only for those who did not just pass by the administrative building with its cabriolet tiling on one of the two avenues that were created thanks to this main station to feed Prague, but entered its halls. The project was world-class in its time, thanks in part to the builders Skorkovsky (one of the builders of our fortifications), Belad (he designed the metro before the war and the A line was largely built to that design), etc. The steel structures or machinery for the freezers and refrigerators were supplied by ČKD. The uniqueness consisted, among other things, in the solution with storage on both sides of the track, connected by footbridges and tunnels. The significance began to decline with the completion of the food warehouse in Strašnice in 1966, and in 2002 the operation was terminated and only the adjacent container transshipment yard was in operation.
1. března 1936 byl zahájen pravidelný provoz v Ikonické funkcionalistické nádražní budově, srovnatelné snad jen s "Ostravskými Hradčany". Ale pouze pro ty, kteří neprojeli jen kolem správní budovy s kabřincovým obkladem po jedné ze dvou tříd, které vznikly právě díky tomuto hlavovému nádraží, aby mohlo nakrmit Prahu, ale vstoupili do její dvorany. Projekt byl ve své době na světové úrovni a to i díky stavitelům Skorkovskému (jeden ze stavitelů našeho opevnění), Beladovi (navrhl metro již před válkou a linka A dle tohoto návrhu převážně vznikla), aj. Ocelové kontrukce, či strojní vybavení mrazíren a chladíren dodalo ČKD. Unikátnost spočívala mimo jiné v řešení s etážovými skladišti po obou stranách kolejiště, propojených lávkami a tunely. Význam začal klesat s dobudováním potravinového skladiště ve Strašnicích v roce 1966, 2002 byl provoz ukončen a fungovalo pouze přilehlé kontejnerové překladiště.
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