
 1 year ago

4 locations that were connected by 2 things. Kaolin and a 760 mm industrial track... :) A bit of a tearful look back to the days when industrial operations were dominated by narrow gauge railways ;) although this is now their swan song, when there were still loose kiplor sets on the track with deer grazing between them, but the locos ended up on the monument or in the scrap heap. The depot, where the name of the German manufacturer can be read on the interchange scales and where the wreckage of the still all-wooden cars from long ago still lie, has been orphaned and the plant has been taken over by heavy trucks. Excuse the reduced photo quality caused by the digitization of photos from the pre-digital era.
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There used to be a school in a small village near Cheb. After vandals raided...

It was supposed to be a retirement home, but now it's more of a ghost...

An unassuming former chateau, formerly a restaurant with a large garden.