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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
1 month ago
During the Nazi occupation, the Franciscans also suffered oppression. However, the order was not abolished and neither was the monastery. However, the longed-for liberation and restoration of the Republic did not meet expectations. After three years of certain hopes, the Communist takeover and the anti-Church campaign took place. On the night of April 13-14, 1950, on the orders of the State Office for Religious Affairs, male monasteries throughout the country were raided by the State Security, all property was inventoried, and the religious were taken to collection monasteries. This monastery became such a collection monastery for young clerics from various...
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During the Nazi occupation, the Franciscans also suffered oppression. However, the order was not abolished and neither was the monastery. However, the longed-for liberation and restoration of the Republic did not meet expectations. After three years of certain hopes, the Communist takeover and the anti-Church campaign took place. On the night of April 13-14, 1950, on the orders of the State Office for Religious Affairs, male monasteries throughout the country were raided by the State Security, all property was inventoried, and the religious were taken to collection monasteries. This monastery became such a collection monastery for young clerics from various religious orders. In the end, the work of destruction was completed by our heroic People's Army, which set up warehouses here and which destroyed it just like everywhere else the Communists stole it...
Za nacistické okupace postihl útisk i františkány. Řád však nebyl tehdy zrušen a nebyl zrušen ani klášter. Toužebně očekávané osvobození a obnovení republiky však nesplnilo očekávání. Po třech letech jistých nadějí došlo ke komunistickému převratu a k proticírkevnímu tažení. V noci ze 13. na 14. dubna 1950 byly na příkaz Státního úřadu pro věci církevní přepadeny mužské kláštery v celé republice Státní bezpečností, sepsán veškerý majetek a řeholníci odvezeni do sběrných klášterů. Tento klášter se stal takovým sběrným klášterem pro mladé kleriky z různých řeholí. Nakonec dílo zkázy dokonala naše hrdinná lidová armáda, která zde zřídila sklady a která to tu zničila stejně jako všude, kde to komunisti ukradli...
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Barrandov swimming pool.
Nowadays quite a well-known place among urbexers, but still very beautiful to get there was...
beautiful mountain hotel
Recently I discovered this well preserved hotel which is really in top condition unfortunately I...
Former lime kiln
Barrandov Terraces
Former swimming pool - Terasy...