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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
Legend called Avia (5) Goodbye and Amen...
Legenda jménem Avia (5) sbohem a amen...
- hawky
- Legend called Avia (5) Goodbye and Amen...
11 months ago
I hope you will forgive me the last batch of shots from the Letňany area, which was really very extensive. It had its own branch of the Savings Bank. Otherwise, it will be snippets from the paint shop of small parts, press shop, classrooms, film sets and many other corners. It also had a convoluted history, and now it's coming to a close. Already as a car company in 1995, Avia was bought by the South Korean company Daewoo. In 2006, the Indian car company Ashok Leyland became the owner. In April 2016, the Czech industrial group Czechoslovak Group bought...
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I hope you will forgive me the last batch of shots from the Letňany area, which was really very extensive. It had its own branch of the Savings Bank. Otherwise, it will be snippets from the paint shop of small parts, press shop, classrooms, film sets and many other corners. It also had a convoluted history, and now it's coming to a close. Already as a car company in 1995, Avia was bought by the South Korean company Daewoo. In 2006, the Indian car company Ashok Leyland became the owner. In April 2016, the Czech industrial group Czechoslovak Group bought the out-of-production Avii, abandoned the plant in Letňany and moved production to an industrial zone in Přelouč. So, a small company, but thanks to Strnad, another company that is ours again? As they used to say about the Republic after Munich...
Snad mi prominete poslední várku záběrů z letňanského areálu, který byl opravdu velmi rozsáhlý. Vždyť měl i vlastní pobočku Spořitelny. Jinak půjde o střípky z lakovny malých dílů, lisovny, učeben, filmových kulis a spousty dalších zákoutí. I historii měl spletitou a nyní se uzavírá. Už jako automobilku v roce 1995 koupila Avii jihokorejská firma Daewoo. Roku 2006 se vlastníkem stala indická automobilka Ashok Leyland. V dubnu 2016 už nevyrábějící Avii koupila česká průmyslová skupina Czechoslovak Group, opustila závod v Letňanech a výrobu přesunula do průmyslové zóny v Přelouči. Takže sice malá, ale díky Strnadovi další firma, která zase naše? Jako se to říkalo o republice po Mnichově...
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Production plant 2023
Once a well-known production plant of a well-known brand.Now in gradual demolition.The JWM painting must...
Avia L.
One for Avia racing. This one fell into the aviation industry. Entire aircraft - civilian...
Boiler room to factories
It's been a long time since I had a writer's moment, so I'm releasing this...
There are big plans for the area. Grandpa from security confirmed that. I still don't...
Down the shaft?
The Nazi shaft in a very unique location served as a shelter for Nazi leaders,...
Already demolished bakery in Vysočany. We went through it - and I think it was...