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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
1 month ago
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha,
The importance of the port of Libeň gradually declined. In 1924 the port was purchased by the Vltava-Labská company and a ship repair shop was established there. In 1929, the repair shop began building new ships and two years later the shipyard was separated from the repair shop and incorporated into the ČKD concern as the Praga Shipyard. It was nationalised in 1945 and in 1950 it became independent as the Czech Shipyard, producing suction dredgers and other specialised vessels. The new halls, which are now disappearing in the photographs, were built in 1949 to a design by Jaroslav Fragner....
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The importance of the port of Libeň gradually declined. In 1924 the port was purchased by the Vltava-Labská company and a ship repair shop was established there. In 1929, the repair shop began building new ships and two years later the shipyard was separated from the repair shop and incorporated into the ČKD concern as the Praga Shipyard. It was nationalised in 1945 and in 1950 it became independent as the Czech Shipyard, producing suction dredgers and other specialised vessels. The new halls, which are now disappearing in the photographs, were built in 1949 to a design by Jaroslav Fragner. The author of, among others, the villa Ing. Havel in Barrandov, the Prague Planetarium, or the reconstruction of the Karolinum, or the Bethlehem Chapel. The railway led here from Rohanský ostrov, the freight station of the famous Těšnov. Today, you'll only find the harbour pool surrounded by new buildings...
Význam libeňského přístavu postupně upadal. Roku 1924 přístav zakoupila Vltavsko-labská společnost a zřídila zde opravnu lodí. Opravárenská dílna začala v roce 1929 stavět nové lodě a o dva roky později se loděnice oddělila od opraven a jako Loděnice Praga se začlenila do koncernu ČKD. S ním byla v roce 1945 znárodněna a v roce 1950 se osamostatnila jako České loděnice a vyráběla sací bagry a jiná specializovaná plavidla. Nové haly, které na snímcích právě zanikají, byly postaveny roku 1949 podle projektu Jaroslava Fragnera. Autora mimo jiné třeba vily Ing. Havla na Barrandově, pražského planetária, nebo rekontrukce Karolina, či Betlémské kaple. Vlečka sem vedla z Rohanského ostrova, nákladového nádraží slavného Těšnova. Dnes zde najdete leda přístavní bazén obklopený novou zástavbou...
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There are big plans for the area. Grandpa from security confirmed that. I still don't...
Already demolished bakery in Vysočany. We went through it - and I think it was...
Grandfather's house
We're at a very busy intersection, and we're trying to get to a very quiet...
Communist cover with cinema
This location is the nicest and also the most secure place I have ever visited.I...
Production plant 2023
Once a well-known production plant of a well-known brand.Now in gradual demolition.The JWM painting must...
New complex 🌴
The Nová 🌴 complex began construction eight years ago. It was to be the new...