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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
10 months ago
This large agricultural cooperative located on the site of a defunct village is also slowly disappearing... Apart from that, the only thing I could find out was that it was supposed to be one of the two most modern piggeries in Europe. Oh, and the fact that losers who feel the need to destroy JWM drawings are everywhere. If anyone knows more about the certainly longer history of the place, please share.
Tohle rozsáhlé zemědělské družstvo ležící v místě zaniklé obce už je pomalu také zaniklé... Krom toho se mi povedlo zjistit leda že to měl být snad jeden ze dvou nejmodernějších prasečáků v Evropě. Jo a taky to, že ubožáci mající potřebu ničit kresby JWM jsou všude. Pokud někdo ví o jistě delší historii místa víc, podělte se.
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10 months ago
Ahoj chtěla bych se zeptat kde to je?
Agricultural area 2 2021
Five locations today,but this one deserved its own album.But a really big location that I...
Castle with piano
It's a foggy autumn morning, and we're leaving the main station by train. We pass...
Castle 2022
The castle, where you can see the beginnings of reconstruction, but nothing is happening.It should...
The Castle
I had already seen the abandoned castle, located at the end of a village, last...
Little house by the castle
At the famous Urbex castle
Functional cover
Practically everything works in the shelter, there is electricity and many other things