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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
Under the windows of Pragovka - for the first time
Pod okny Pragovka - poprvé
- hawky
- Under the windows of Pragovka - for the first time
1 year ago
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha,
Something from the beloved mother city of Prague.... PRAGA was created as a joint project of the First Czech-Moravian Machine Factory in Prague and Ringhoffer Works. After the war, the car factory moved to the former Junkers factory, under the comrades it "boasted" the name Automobilové závody Klementa Gottwalda and the immortal legend Praga V3S was born there. At the main gate you could also learn from the memorial plaque by 89: "From this factory of great workers' revolutionary traditions, a letter with ninety-nine signatures was sent to the USSR in the critical year 1968, asking for support and help...
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Something from the beloved mother city of Prague.... PRAGA was created as a joint project of the First Czech-Moravian Machine Factory in Prague and Ringhoffer Works. After the war, the car factory moved to the former Junkers factory, under the comrades it "boasted" the name Automobilové závody Klementa Gottwalda and the immortal legend Praga V3S was born there. At the main gate you could also learn from the memorial plaque by 89: "From this factory of great workers' revolutionary traditions, a letter with ninety-nine signatures was sent to the USSR in the critical year 1968, asking for support and help in the fight against the anti-socialist forces." That Bolshevism was probably in the blood of enough Pragovakians long after the revolution, as you'll see in the canteen with the '96 decorations...
Něco z milované matičky Prahy.... PRAGA Vznikla jako společný projekt První česko-moravské továrny na stroje v Praze a Ringhofferových závodů. Po válce se automobilka přesunula do bývalé továrny Junkers, za soudruhů se "honosila" názvem Automobilové závody Klementa Gottwalda a zrodila se v ní nesmrtelná legenda Praga V3S. U hlavní brány jste se z pamětní desky mohli také do 89 dozvědět: „Z tohoto závodu velkých dělnických revolučních tradic byl v kritickém roce 1968 odeslán dopis s devadesáti devíti podpisy do SSSR, žádající podporu a pomoc v boji s protisocialistickými silami.“ Ten bolševismus mělo dost Pragováků v krvi asi ještě dlouho po revoluci, jak uvidíte v jídelně s výzdobou z 96...
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1 year ago
Pěkně 😊😊
Down the shaft?
The Nazi shaft in a very unique location served as a shelter for Nazi leaders,...
Grandfather's house
We're at a very busy intersection, and we're trying to get to a very quiet...
Already demolished bakery in Vysočany. We went through it - and I think it was...
Communist cover with cinema
This location is the nicest and also the most secure place I have ever visited.I...
There are big plans for the area. Grandpa from security confirmed that. I still don't...
Emergency exit from the subway...
Somewhere under Prague there are hundreds of places about which there are various legends and...