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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
1 year ago
Ústí nad Labem Region, Litoměřice District,
Darkness, dust, the smell of burning diesel, the rumble of passing carts filled with limestone stones and rubble.
A flickering light looms in the distance, the clatter of prison clogs.
A group of figures in tattered clothes pass by.
A short and curt command from their guards, accompanied by the barking of a dog, whips through the darkness of the underground...
Welcome to Richard, the Nazi underground factory...
My promised Christmas present for one of us, a now unavailable pearl that will hopefully please everyone else and probably one of the darkest places in our country. I've taken the liberty... show more Darkness, dust, the smell of burning diesel, the rumble of passing carts filled with limestone stones and rubble.
A flickering light looms in the distance, the clatter of prison clogs.
A group of figures in tattered clothes pass by.
A short and curt command from their guards, accompanied by the barking of a dog, whips through the darkness of the underground...
Welcome to Richard, the Nazi underground factory...
My promised Christmas present for one of us, a now unavailable pearl that will hopefully please everyone else and probably one of the darkest places in our country. I've taken the liberty of borrowing the description, but I think it's perfectly apt, so engage your imagination and come and see the depths of a former mine and factory with a short but all the more horrific past in the heart of Radobýl.
A flickering light looms in the distance, the clatter of prison clogs.
A group of figures in tattered clothes pass by.
A short and curt command from their guards, accompanied by the barking of a dog, whips through the darkness of the underground...
Welcome to Richard, the Nazi underground factory...
My promised Christmas present for one of us, a now unavailable pearl that will hopefully please everyone else and probably one of the darkest places in our country. I've taken the liberty... show more Darkness, dust, the smell of burning diesel, the rumble of passing carts filled with limestone stones and rubble.
A flickering light looms in the distance, the clatter of prison clogs.
A group of figures in tattered clothes pass by.
A short and curt command from their guards, accompanied by the barking of a dog, whips through the darkness of the underground...
Welcome to Richard, the Nazi underground factory...
My promised Christmas present for one of us, a now unavailable pearl that will hopefully please everyone else and probably one of the darkest places in our country. I've taken the liberty of borrowing the description, but I think it's perfectly apt, so engage your imagination and come and see the depths of a former mine and factory with a short but all the more horrific past in the heart of Radobýl.
Tma, prach, zápach spálené nafty, rachot projíždějících vozíků naplněných kameny vápence a suti.
V dálce se vynořuje mihotavé světlo, ozývá se klapot vězeňských dřeváků.
Okolo prochází skupinka postav v rozedraných šatech.
Temnem podzemí šlehne krátký a úsečný povel jejich strážců, doprovázený štěkotem psa…
Vítejte v Richardu – nacistické podzemní továrně…
Můj slíbený vánoční dárek pro jednu z nás, dnes už nedostupná perlička která snad potěší i všechny ostatní a asi jedno z nejtemnějších míst u nás. Popisek jsem si dovolil vypůjčit, ale myslím, že je dokonale výstižný, tak zapojte představivost a pojďte se podívat do hlubin bývalého dolu a továrny s krátkou, ale o to hrůznější minulostí v nitru Radobýlu.
View original version
1 year ago
Paráda. Škoda, že jsem se o taková místa nezajímala už dřív. Díky za fotky
1 year ago
Mega hustý
1 year ago
Dík 😉
Dilapidated villa
After 10 years I visited this place again and I had no words.. The 1893...
Vila Phaffenhof
The former Nazi villa and nearby the underground Richard factory, which is now sealed.I had...
Former brewery
A former brewery that was eventually converted to a freezer. A dog kennel was visible...
Former brewery
The brewery was built in 1858 in the Neo-Romanesque style, from 1942 to the early...
Freezer 2022
A former freezer and brewery in one area.But I've never had such a cramped feeling...
Urbex one
abandoned cottages 😊