Engulfed limestone quarry

  • hawky
  • Engulfed limestone quarry

 3 months ago

He prospered for almost a hundred years, from 1872 to 1967. The factory needed a new site for quarrying stone and the associated buildings. So he bought the rock, paid part of the agreed amount, and was not extorted by the authorities or the courts. It was only after almost 60 years of eras that his son paid it all back. The quarry was very large and rugged and still hides the access underpasses under the railway, circular and shaft furnaces, foundations of cyclone dust collectors, mills, engine rooms of the balancing machines, or offices, warehouses, transformer station, workshops, including the explosives warehouse from 1907. For just a brief moment in the year, nature allows us a glimpse of the places we once ripped from her body, only to take them back.
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