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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
3 months ago
This set of buildings also belongs to the Forest Villa complex, which was also used as a NSDAP convalescent home and is currently inaccessible. It contained two apartments for support staff and a garage. Architecturally adapted to the villa, the complex has the appearance of a classical farmhouse, including a representative gate. Today, the dovecotes, stables, apartments and garage are empty and only the cellar is home to a large colony of spiders with their cocoons. But one of the contemporary digital electricity meters is glowing merrily...
Do areálu Lesní vily, která sloužila i jako zotavovna NSDAP a je momentálně znepřístupněná, patří i tento soubor staveb. Obsahoval dva byty pro pomocný personál a garáž. Architektonicky vile přizpůsobený soubor má podobu klasicistní usedlosti včetně reprezentativní brány. Dnes už holubníky, chlévy, byty i garáž zejí prázdnotou a jen ve sklepě žije početná kolonie pavouků se svými kokony. Zato jeden ze soudobých digitálních elektroměrů vesele svítí...
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Panský dvůr 2023
Today we visited the manor farm.A part of the area is used but the barns...
Underground drive
Abandoned furniture factory
The location is still standing and still has a lot to offer, but the condition...
Factory for bentwood furniture 2021
A very large complex which is already taking its time.The building is in a rather...
Cervena Karkulka
I'm gonna make a separate album for these babies. I call the beauty in the...
Children's camp
A former children's camp that should have been unused for 15 years, a few buildings...