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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
11 months ago
Until 22 years ago, the compound was behind a triple fence with free-roaming dogs, dominated by an above-ground reinforced concrete bunker covered by scaffolding that served to defend the perimeter in case of enemy infiltration. Unbelievable how our people managed to steal this place so quickly, isn't it? At the gate there is still the torso of the guard's house with pens, at the other end there is a transformer station and next to the bunker there is the service building. The bunker has two floors, on the ground floor there is a technical background with the remains of the...
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Until 22 years ago, the compound was behind a triple fence with free-roaming dogs, dominated by an above-ground reinforced concrete bunker covered by scaffolding that served to defend the perimeter in case of enemy infiltration. Unbelievable how our people managed to steal this place so quickly, isn't it? At the gate there is still the torso of the guard's house with pens, at the other end there is a transformer station and next to the bunker there is the service building. The bunker has two floors, on the ground floor there is a technical background with the remains of the equipment of the generator room, central substation, main fan, air treatment plant and on the first floor the transmission hall itself. Outside the premises there are garages for equipment with a ramp.
Ještě před 22 lety areál za trojitým plotem s volně útočícími psy, kterému dominuje nadzemní železobetonový bunkr, krytý pevnůstkami, které sloužily k obraně perimetru v případě proniknutí nepřátel do areálu. Neuvěřitelné, jak to tu našinec dokázal rychle rozkrást, že? U brány ještě stojí torzo domku ostrahy s kotci, na opačném konci trafostanice a vedle bunkru provozní budova. Bunkr má dvě patra, v přízemí se nachází technické zázemí se zbytky vybavení generátorovny, centrální rozvodny, hlavního ventilátoru, úpravny vzduchu a v 1. patře samotný vysílací sál. Mimo areál jsou ještě garáže pro techniku i s rampou.
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