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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
So don't just stand there and come...
Tak nestůj a pojď...
- hawky
- So don't just stand there and come...
4 months ago
Ústecký kraj, Litoměřice,
Who doesn't know the immortal film The Boys? The timeless children's comedy was based on Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1975. The 1890s track on which many of the scenes were filmed died on May 27, 1978. So going along it today from Úštěk to Lovečkovice via Levín station is a little urbex full of magical situations where you get to know the film locations.
From the curve you can hear the roar of a steam locomotive pulling a local train up a steep hill.
A warning whistle sounds before crossing a dirt road. A boy (Tomas)... show more Who doesn't know the immortal film The Boys? The timeless children's comedy was based on Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1975. The 1890s track on which many of the scenes were filmed died on May 27, 1978. So going along it today from Úštěk to Lovečkovice via Levín station is a little urbex full of magical situations where you get to know the film locations.
From the curve you can hear the roar of a steam locomotive pulling a local train up a steep hill.
A warning whistle sounds before crossing a dirt road. A boy (Tomas) runs along the road,
waving his arms and jumping over a wooden barrier onto the tracks.
"Mr. Patočka, stop, stop!"
The engineer sees the boy running along the tracks towards the locomotive. The chimney of the intake brake flies out
...a column of white vapour mixes with black smoke.
"What? What's going on?"
"It's Wednesday! The doctor's going to town today!"
The engineer slaps his forehead:
"Oh, shit! I almost forgot!"
From the curve you can hear the roar of a steam locomotive pulling a local train up a steep hill.
A warning whistle sounds before crossing a dirt road. A boy (Tomas)... show more Who doesn't know the immortal film The Boys? The timeless children's comedy was based on Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1975. The 1890s track on which many of the scenes were filmed died on May 27, 1978. So going along it today from Úštěk to Lovečkovice via Levín station is a little urbex full of magical situations where you get to know the film locations.
From the curve you can hear the roar of a steam locomotive pulling a local train up a steep hill.
A warning whistle sounds before crossing a dirt road. A boy (Tomas) runs along the road,
waving his arms and jumping over a wooden barrier onto the tracks.
"Mr. Patočka, stop, stop!"
The engineer sees the boy running along the tracks towards the locomotive. The chimney of the intake brake flies out
...a column of white vapour mixes with black smoke.
"What? What's going on?"
"It's Wednesday! The doctor's going to town today!"
The engineer slaps his forehead:
"Oh, shit! I almost forgot!"
Kdo by neznal nesmrtelný film Páni kluci? Nestárnoucí dětská komedie vznikla roku 1975 na motivy románu Marka Twaina Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera. Trať z roku 1890, na které se spousta scén natáčela zanikla 27. května 1978. Takže vydat se dnes po ní z Úštěku do Lovečkovic přes stanici Levín, je takový malý urbex plný kouzelných situací, kdy poznáváte filmové lokace.
Ze zatáčky se ozývá supění parní lokomotivy táhnoucí lokálkový vlak do strmého kopce.
Před přejezdem polní cesty zazní varovné zapísknutí. Po cestě běží kluk (Tomáš),
mává rukama a přeskakuje dřevěnou závoru na koleje.
"Pane Patočka, zastavte, zastavte!"
Strojvůdce zahlídne kluka běžícího po kolejích proti lokomotivě. Z komína sací brzdy vyletí
sloup bílé páry a mísí se s černým kouřem.
"Co je? Co se dějě?"
"Je středa přece! Pan doktor jede dneska do města!"
Strojvůdce se praští do čela:
"A sakra! Málem bych na to zapomněl!"
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