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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
10 months ago
We went to look at the siding at the paper mill with over 300 years of history and at the end of the siding we came across what were probably buildings for employees, once heated remotely from the mill. But all that's left of the boiler house now is a chimney and a railroad loading dock. And from there, unfortunately, the place is crawling with cameras... We looked around at least one of the dispatch warehouses, from where we could see the beautifully decorated cast-iron columns of the shed, which at first glance remember a lot, and the locomotive draws.
Šli jsme se podívat na vlečku u papírny s víc jak 300-letou historií a na jejím konci narazili nejspíš na budovy pro zaměstnance, kdysi dálkově vytápěné ze závodu. Z kotelny už dnes ale stojí leda komín a železniční zauhlovací rampa. A od ní se to tu bohužel hemží kamerami... Koukli jsme aspoň okolo jednoho expedičního skladu, odkud bylo vidět i nádherně zdobené litinové sloupy přístřešku, které na první pohled hodně pamatují a lokomotivní remízy.
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Javor 52
Javor (2023)
Maple 52 (Part 1)
Visited again with @0pixelsleft and also a lovely 16km long walk to the property. Just...
Former nuclear warhead storage site...
A visit to a former nuclear warhead storage site.
Nuclear warhead storage
The former atomic resting place in the area of the former Soviet base are 2...
Javor 52
Visited in June 2023. The condition is unfortunately as it is, but it is still...