Heating station in the railway station. Netolice

  • hawky
  • Heating station in the railway station. Netolice

 11 months ago

Jihočeský kraj, Prachatice, 

The heating plant with a water tower was built near the Netolice railway station in 1895. According to the entry in the monument catalogue, it is a typified building of a heating plant on the terminus of the line, connected with a water tower, built on the railway line Netolice - Číčenice. Unfortunately, the passenger transport on the line ended in 2011, and nowadays even the transport of wood is no longer operated. So the heating plant has ceased to be used for overnight stays of motorboats and as another cultural monument, due to the lack of an official access...  show more 
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Visited sort of on the way around. There is not much left to photograph here,...