2 months ago
Zlínský kraj, Zlín,
The phenomenon of disappearing and abandoned swimming pools has many causes, yet common denominators can be traced. In general, these are economic causes, where the operation of the bathing site is loss-making or where significant investment in the facilities and equipment of the site is required. An example is the Riviera swimming pool in the Malenovice district of Zlín, which had to be closed in 2007 after legislation was tightened in accordance with EU directives because the owners were unwilling to spend the money on the necessary reconstruction.
The history of the swimming pool in the sub-castle (below Malenovice Castle)... show more The phenomenon of disappearing and abandoned swimming pools has many causes, yet common denominators can be traced. In general, these are economic causes, where the operation of the bathing site is loss-making or where significant investment in the facilities and equipment of the site is required. An example is the Riviera swimming pool in the Malenovice district of Zlín, which had to be closed in 2007 after legislation was tightened in accordance with EU directives because the owners were unwilling to spend the money on the necessary reconstruction.
The history of the swimming pool in the sub-castle (below Malenovice Castle) dates back to 1932, when there was a pond adapted for bathing. Later (around the 1960s), a 34 × 17 m swimming pool was built, which was bought in 1992 for 1.6 million by Zdeněk Blažek and three other partners and put into operation a year later. In 1994, the slide was supplemented by a 23-metre kamikaze slide. To this day we can still read on the slide that it was made by SEP Uherské Hradiště and Reflex Zlín.
Since 2007, the facility has been offered for purchase; due to the estimated reconstruction costs of about 40 to 60 million crowns and unprofitable operation, no buyer has yet emerged. According to their statements, the representatives of Zlín have often considered that the city would buy the complex and operate it, but it has remained just words. Apart from the need to spend considerable financial resources, arguments were also made about the unsuitable location of the swimming pool in the valley (the sun soon sets behind the hills), poor parking possibilities and the potential conflict of interest of the co-owner Blažek, who was a city councillor.
The unfortunate fate of the Malenovice swimming pool is water for the mill of Malenovice's efforts to create a separate municipal district of Malenovice. Many locals have good memories of their time spent at the Riviera and the current state of the swimming pool is hard to bear.
Source Kafélanka
The history of the swimming pool in the sub-castle (below Malenovice Castle)... show more The phenomenon of disappearing and abandoned swimming pools has many causes, yet common denominators can be traced. In general, these are economic causes, where the operation of the bathing site is loss-making or where significant investment in the facilities and equipment of the site is required. An example is the Riviera swimming pool in the Malenovice district of Zlín, which had to be closed in 2007 after legislation was tightened in accordance with EU directives because the owners were unwilling to spend the money on the necessary reconstruction.
The history of the swimming pool in the sub-castle (below Malenovice Castle) dates back to 1932, when there was a pond adapted for bathing. Later (around the 1960s), a 34 × 17 m swimming pool was built, which was bought in 1992 for 1.6 million by Zdeněk Blažek and three other partners and put into operation a year later. In 1994, the slide was supplemented by a 23-metre kamikaze slide. To this day we can still read on the slide that it was made by SEP Uherské Hradiště and Reflex Zlín.
Since 2007, the facility has been offered for purchase; due to the estimated reconstruction costs of about 40 to 60 million crowns and unprofitable operation, no buyer has yet emerged. According to their statements, the representatives of Zlín have often considered that the city would buy the complex and operate it, but it has remained just words. Apart from the need to spend considerable financial resources, arguments were also made about the unsuitable location of the swimming pool in the valley (the sun soon sets behind the hills), poor parking possibilities and the potential conflict of interest of the co-owner Blažek, who was a city councillor.
The unfortunate fate of the Malenovice swimming pool is water for the mill of Malenovice's efforts to create a separate municipal district of Malenovice. Many locals have good memories of their time spent at the Riviera and the current state of the swimming pool is hard to bear.
Source Kafélanka
Fenomén zanikajících a opuštěných koupališť má mnoho příčin, přesto lze vysledovat společné jmenovatele. Obecně se jedná o příčiny ekonomického rázu, kdy je provoz koupaliště ztrátový, případně jsou potřeba značné investice do zařízení a vybavení areálu. Příkladem je koupaliště Riviera ve Zlínské místní části Malenovice, které muselo být po zpřísnění legislativy v souladu se směrnicemi EU v roce 2007 uzavřeno, neboť majitelé nebyli ochotni na potřebnou rekonstrukci vynaložit peníze.
Historie koupaliště v podhradí (pod Malenovickým hradem) sahá až do roku 1932, tehdy se zde nacházel rybník upravený pro koupání. Později (asi v 60. letech 20. století) došlo k vybudování bazénu o rozměrech 34 × 17 m, který v roce 1992 za 1,6 milionů koupil Zdeněk Blažek s dalšími třemi společníky a o rok později jej uvádí do provozu. Investovali dalších 9 milionů do vybavení areálu a výsledkem byla populární plovárna s toboganem o délce 102 metrů (svého času nejdelší v ČR). V roce 1994 je tobogan doplněn o 23metrovou skluzavku kamikadze. Dodnes se na toboganu můžeme dočíst, že jej vyrobila firma SEP Uherské Hradiště a Reflex Zlín.
Od roku 2007 je areál nabízen ke koupi; vzhledem k předpokládaným nákladům na rekonstrukci ve výši asi 40 až 60 miliónů korun a nerentabilnímu provozu se dosud kupec neobjevil. Zastupitelé Zlína dle svých vyjádření často uvažovali, že by město areál odkoupilo a provozovalo, avšak zůstalo jen u slov. Kromě nutnosti vynaložit nemalé finanční prostředky zaznívaly i argumenty o nevhodné poloze koupaliště v údolí (slunce brzy zachází za kopce), o špatných parkovacích možnostech i o potenciálním střetu zájmů spolumajitele Blažka, který byl městským radním.
Neblahý osud malenovického koupaliště je vodou na mlýn snahám Malenovic o vznik samostatné městské části Malenovice. Mnoho místních má čas strávený na Riviéře dobré vzpomínky a současný stav koupaliště nesou těžce.
Zdroj Kafélanka
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