Abandoned communist shelter with class III resistance.
Opuštěný komunistický kryt s třídou odolností III.
- jirka1462145224
- Abandoned communist shelter with class III resistance.
3 days ago
Zlínský kraj, Vsetín,
The command post of the facility is located in a shaft shelter with resistance class III.
The shelter has one double entrance, as it is protected by a massive wall against pressure wave, and one emergency exit. Interestingly, it does not have a rest entrance. Next to the entrance portal is another metal door, behind which was probably once a diesel generator. What is in them today is unknown, and the room behind them is not connected to the building from the inside. A TP D-15 door has been installed behind the counterpressure wall at the entrance. This is followed... show more The command post of the facility is located in a shaft shelter with resistance class III.
The shelter has one double entrance, as it is protected by a massive wall against pressure wave, and one emergency exit. Interestingly, it does not have a rest entrance. Next to the entrance portal is another metal door, behind which was probably once a diesel generator. What is in them today is unknown, and the room behind them is not connected to the building from the inside. A TP D-15 door has been installed behind the counterpressure wall at the entrance. This is followed by a fairly long and curved back pressure vestibule, at the end of which is a TP D-7.5 door.
The heart of the VS section was the combat command center. The SBV was equipped with desks for the chiefs of the various CO groups and units. Each desk was equipped with a telephone.
Air filter ventilation was provided by a FVZ-300a type station with regeneration and oxygen equipment and a separate dust chamber. The FVE sucked air through two exhaust points located above the building in the form of reinforced concrete heads, each branch had its own dust chamber.
I drew the information from the website ochranne-stavby.sk
I have personally been in the shelter many times and each time it is in worse condition than the last time I was there. It's really sad, but it can't be helped, the shelter is easily accessible and therefore a lot of people go there. The only way to get into the shelter is through the emergency entrance, which is not very pleasant. The main entrance is barred and it's impossible to get in. You can even get to the other side of the bars if you use the emergency entrance.
If anyone knows anything more about the shelters at the Vsetín Armory I would like to know a little more about them than this one here. Thank you in advance.
The shelter has one double entrance, as it is protected by a massive wall against pressure wave, and one emergency exit. Interestingly, it does not have a rest entrance. Next to the entrance portal is another metal door, behind which was probably once a diesel generator. What is in them today is unknown, and the room behind them is not connected to the building from the inside. A TP D-15 door has been installed behind the counterpressure wall at the entrance. This is followed... show more The command post of the facility is located in a shaft shelter with resistance class III.
The shelter has one double entrance, as it is protected by a massive wall against pressure wave, and one emergency exit. Interestingly, it does not have a rest entrance. Next to the entrance portal is another metal door, behind which was probably once a diesel generator. What is in them today is unknown, and the room behind them is not connected to the building from the inside. A TP D-15 door has been installed behind the counterpressure wall at the entrance. This is followed by a fairly long and curved back pressure vestibule, at the end of which is a TP D-7.5 door.
The heart of the VS section was the combat command center. The SBV was equipped with desks for the chiefs of the various CO groups and units. Each desk was equipped with a telephone.
Air filter ventilation was provided by a FVZ-300a type station with regeneration and oxygen equipment and a separate dust chamber. The FVE sucked air through two exhaust points located above the building in the form of reinforced concrete heads, each branch had its own dust chamber.
I drew the information from the website ochranne-stavby.sk
I have personally been in the shelter many times and each time it is in worse condition than the last time I was there. It's really sad, but it can't be helped, the shelter is easily accessible and therefore a lot of people go there. The only way to get into the shelter is through the emergency entrance, which is not very pleasant. The main entrance is barred and it's impossible to get in. You can even get to the other side of the bars if you use the emergency entrance.
If anyone knows anything more about the shelters at the Vsetín Armory I would like to know a little more about them than this one here. Thank you in advance.
Velitelské stanoviště objektu je umístěno ve štolovém krytu s třídou odolnosti III.
Kryt má jeden dvouvchodový, jelikož je chráněn masivní stěnou proti tlakové vlně a jeden nouzový východ. Zajímavé je, že nemá odpočinkovou vstupenku. Vedle vstupního portálu jsou další kovové dveře, za kterými se pravděpodobně kdysi nacházel dieselagregát. Co je v nich dnes, není známo a místnost za nimi není zevnitř propojena s budovou. Za protitlakou stěnou jsou u vstupu instalovány dveře TP D-15. Na ně navazuje poměrně dlouhý a zakřivený protitlakový vestibul, na jehož konci se nachází dveře D-7.5 TP.
Srdcem VS části bylo bojové velitelské centrum. SBV byl vybaven stoly pro náčelníky jednotlivých skupin a útvarů CO. Každý stůl byl vybaven telefonem.
Ventilace vzduchového filtru je zajištěna stanicí typu FVZ-300a s regeneračním a kyslíkovým zařízením a oddělenou prachovou komorou. FVE nasávala vzduch přes dvě odsávací místa umístěná nad budovou v podobě železobetonových hlavic, každá větev měla svou prachovou komoru.
Informace jsem čerpal z webu ochranne-stavby.sk
V krytu jsem byl sám osobně mockrát a pokaždé je v horším stavu, než co jsem tam byl naposledy. Je to opravdu smutné, ale nedá se nic dělat, kryt je totiz lehce dostupný a tudíž tam chodí hodně lidí. Do krytu se dá dostat pouze nouzovým vchodem, kterým to není moc příjemné. Hlavní vchod je zamřížovaný a nedá se tam dostat. Dokonce se dostanete na druhou stranu mříží pokud využijete nouzový vchod.
Kdyby někdo něco věděl o krytech ve Vsetínské zbrojovce něco více rád bych se o nich dozvěděl něco více než o tady tomto. Děkuji předem.
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