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Joined March 2023
Joined March 2023
Ahoj, vždycky, už od dětství jsem rád navštěvoval opuštěná místa, ruiny a tak. Mám rád vojenské objekty, podzemí všeho druhu a taky jeskyně. Mám nějaké nápady, ale schází mi parťák na realizaci, sám chodím nerad, proto jsem se taky zaregistroval sem.
8 months ago
Sisačko-moslavačka županija, Općina Gvozd,
A fascinating Yugoslav monument from the 1980s, officially "I hope" it is called "Monument to the Uprising of the People of Kordun and Banij" or maybe "The Square of Brotherhood and Unity", but it's hard to say...
It was meant to be a memorial to the Serbian peasants who died fighting the Ustasha militias in the 1940s.
When designing, one of the important requirements (among others) was that the building had to be taller than the surrounding trees :o))
It's a really brutal, huge building and while walking between the floors, it didn't seem to me at all that the... show more A fascinating Yugoslav monument from the 1980s, officially "I hope" it is called "Monument to the Uprising of the People of Kordun and Banij" or maybe "The Square of Brotherhood and Unity", but it's hard to say...
It was meant to be a memorial to the Serbian peasants who died fighting the Ustasha militias in the 1940s.
When designing, one of the important requirements (among others) was that the building had to be taller than the surrounding trees :o))
It's a really brutal, huge building and while walking between the floors, it didn't seem to me at all that the space should have any logic, it's kind of hop here, hop there and nothing anywhere, and yet this memorial was supposed to include a larger museum, a congress hall for 250 people, a café, a library reading room, but all these plans never came to fruition.
It was never fully completed and went straight from new construction to a state of gradual decay in a standard Balkan way, but anyway this place is worth a visit, it is definitely the biggest "monument" I have ever seen.
It was meant to be a memorial to the Serbian peasants who died fighting the Ustasha militias in the 1940s.
When designing, one of the important requirements (among others) was that the building had to be taller than the surrounding trees :o))
It's a really brutal, huge building and while walking between the floors, it didn't seem to me at all that the... show more A fascinating Yugoslav monument from the 1980s, officially "I hope" it is called "Monument to the Uprising of the People of Kordun and Banij" or maybe "The Square of Brotherhood and Unity", but it's hard to say...
It was meant to be a memorial to the Serbian peasants who died fighting the Ustasha militias in the 1940s.
When designing, one of the important requirements (among others) was that the building had to be taller than the surrounding trees :o))
It's a really brutal, huge building and while walking between the floors, it didn't seem to me at all that the space should have any logic, it's kind of hop here, hop there and nothing anywhere, and yet this memorial was supposed to include a larger museum, a congress hall for 250 people, a café, a library reading room, but all these plans never came to fruition.
It was never fully completed and went straight from new construction to a state of gradual decay in a standard Balkan way, but anyway this place is worth a visit, it is definitely the biggest "monument" I have ever seen.
Fascinující Jugoslávskej monument z osmdesátejch let, oficiálně se mu "teda doufám" říká "Památník povstání lidu Kordun a Banij" a nebo možná taky "Mítink bratrství a jednoty", no těžko říct..
Měl bejt připomínkou srbskejch rolníků, kteří ve 40. letech zemřeli v boji proti ustašovskejm milicím.
Při prjektování, byl prej jeden z důležitejch požadavků, (mimo jiný) i fakt, že budova musí bejt vyšší než okolní stromy :o))
Je to opravdu brutální, obrovská stavba a při procházení mezi patry, mě vůbec nepřišlo, že by ten prostor měl mít nějakou logiku, je to takový hop sem, hop tam a nikde nic a přesto měl tento památník kromě vyhlídky do okolí obsahovat i větší muzeum, kongresovej sál pro 250 lidí, kavárnu, knihovnui čítárnu, jenže k úplný realizaci všech těchto plánů nikdy nedošlo.
Nikdy nebyl plně dokončen a přešel tak nějak standartně po balkánsku rovnou z novostavby do stavu pozvolnýho chátrání, ale každopádně tohle místo stojí za návštěvu, je to jednoznačně největší "památník" co jsem kdy viděl.
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