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Joined March 2023
Joined March 2023
Ahoj, vždycky, už od dětství jsem rád navštěvoval opuštěná místa, ruiny a tak. Mám rád vojenské objekty, podzemí všeho druhu a taky jeskyně. Mám nějaké nápady, ale schází mi parťák na realizaci, sám chodím nerad, proto jsem se taky zaregistroval sem.
The Forgotten Castle of Moldova 2024
Zapomenutej zámeček Moldávie 2024
- klobas
- The Forgotten Castle of Moldova 2024
9 months ago
Briceni District,
Somehow by chance, while "passing by", I peeked into a long forgotten, a bit mysterious park, which was surrounded by a wall all around.
This area, with a mansion, was built in the early 19th century by Countess Ecaterina Rosetti-Roznovan.
The mansion is one of the first built in the classical architectural style, which appeared in Bessarabia in the 1830s.
Later, in the mid-1950s, it was converted by the Soviets into a hospital and (presumably) abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It is located in the small town of Lipcani, a short distance from the tri-border of Moldova,... show more Somehow by chance, while "passing by", I peeked into a long forgotten, a bit mysterious park, which was surrounded by a wall all around.
This area, with a mansion, was built in the early 19th century by Countess Ecaterina Rosetti-Roznovan.
The mansion is one of the first built in the classical architectural style, which appeared in Bessarabia in the 1830s.
Later, in the mid-1950s, it was converted by the Soviets into a hospital and (presumably) abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It is located in the small town of Lipcani, a short distance from the tri-border of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.
There was the aforementioned castle, several smaller houses and small buildings, and a summer cinema, where of course there was a plaque of the eternal Vladimir on the wall, and a larger-than-life statue of the aforementioned behind the wall.
The whole area is already in a rather miserable state and completely overgrown with all kinds of thickets. But it was worth a short visit.
This area, with a mansion, was built in the early 19th century by Countess Ecaterina Rosetti-Roznovan.
The mansion is one of the first built in the classical architectural style, which appeared in Bessarabia in the 1830s.
Later, in the mid-1950s, it was converted by the Soviets into a hospital and (presumably) abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It is located in the small town of Lipcani, a short distance from the tri-border of Moldova,... show more Somehow by chance, while "passing by", I peeked into a long forgotten, a bit mysterious park, which was surrounded by a wall all around.
This area, with a mansion, was built in the early 19th century by Countess Ecaterina Rosetti-Roznovan.
The mansion is one of the first built in the classical architectural style, which appeared in Bessarabia in the 1830s.
Later, in the mid-1950s, it was converted by the Soviets into a hospital and (presumably) abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It is located in the small town of Lipcani, a short distance from the tri-border of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.
There was the aforementioned castle, several smaller houses and small buildings, and a summer cinema, where of course there was a plaque of the eternal Vladimir on the wall, and a larger-than-life statue of the aforementioned behind the wall.
The whole area is already in a rather miserable state and completely overgrown with all kinds of thickets. But it was worth a short visit.
Tak nějak náhodou, při "cestě kolem", jsem nakoukl do už asi dávno zapomenutýho, trochu tajemnýho parku, kterej byl celej dokola obehnanej zdí.
Tenhle areál se zámečkem, si nechala na počátku 19. století postavit hraběnka Ecaterina Rosetti-Roznovanová.
Zámeček je jedním z prvních postavených v klasicistním architektonickým stylu, který se objevil v Besarábii ve 30. letech 19. století.
Později, v polovině 50. let 20. století, byl Sověty přeměněn na nemocnici a (patrně) po rozpadu sovětskýho zvazu byl opuštěn.
Leží v malým městečku Lipcani, kousek od hranic na trojmezí Moldávie, Rumunska a Ukrajiny.
Byl tady už zmiňovanej zámeček, několik menších domků a drobnejch staveb a taky letní kino, kde na zdi samozřejmě nemohla chybět plaketa věčnýho Vladimíra a za zdí hned vedle i socha v nadživotní velikosti již zmiňovanýho.
Celej areál už je v dost bídným stavu a komplet zarostlej všemožným houštím. ale za krátkou návštěvu to určitě stálo.
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9 months ago
48°15'54.7"N 26°48'12.3"E
9 months ago
...nějak nerozumím???
Nothing was found in the area.