8 months ago
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha,
In the forgotten corners of Prague lies a mysterious building known as Dynamitka Bohnice. Hidden in the woods, this complex whispers stories full of suspense and history. Built in the late 19th century, it served as a factory for the production of dynamite and other explosives. In its glory days, it was a symbol of industrial progress and technological innovation, but also a place where danger threatened every day.
During the First and Second World Wars, Dynamitka Bohnice became a strategic point. Its production was essential for military operations and the factory worked at full speed to meet the demands... show more In the forgotten corners of Prague lies a mysterious building known as Dynamitka Bohnice. Hidden in the woods, this complex whispers stories full of suspense and history. Built in the late 19th century, it served as a factory for the production of dynamite and other explosives. In its glory days, it was a symbol of industrial progress and technological innovation, but also a place where danger threatened every day.
During the First and Second World Wars, Dynamitka Bohnice became a strategic point. Its production was essential for military operations and the factory worked at full speed to meet the demands of the warring sides. The shadows of those times still hang over the ruins, reminding us of the workers who risked their lives here.
After the end of World War II and with the advent of more modern technology, Dynamitka Bohnice lost its significance. The factory was gradually abandoned and left to time and nature. In the times of socialism, the surroundings were used for various experimental purposes, but gradually the place was forgotten.
Now the front part is used and the back part is used for airsoft, overall there is not much to see
During the First and Second World Wars, Dynamitka Bohnice became a strategic point. Its production was essential for military operations and the factory worked at full speed to meet the demands... show more In the forgotten corners of Prague lies a mysterious building known as Dynamitka Bohnice. Hidden in the woods, this complex whispers stories full of suspense and history. Built in the late 19th century, it served as a factory for the production of dynamite and other explosives. In its glory days, it was a symbol of industrial progress and technological innovation, but also a place where danger threatened every day.
During the First and Second World Wars, Dynamitka Bohnice became a strategic point. Its production was essential for military operations and the factory worked at full speed to meet the demands of the warring sides. The shadows of those times still hang over the ruins, reminding us of the workers who risked their lives here.
After the end of World War II and with the advent of more modern technology, Dynamitka Bohnice lost its significance. The factory was gradually abandoned and left to time and nature. In the times of socialism, the surroundings were used for various experimental purposes, but gradually the place was forgotten.
Now the front part is used and the back part is used for airsoft, overall there is not much to see
V zapomenutých koutech Prahy leží tajemný objekt, známý jako Dynamitka Bohnice. Tento komplex, ukrytý v lesích, šeptá příběhy plné napětí a historie. Postavený na konci 19. století, sloužil jako továrna na výrobu dynamitu a dalších výbušnin. V dobách své slávy byl symbolem průmyslového pokroku a technologické inovace, ale také místem, kde každý den hrozilo nebezpečí.
Během první a druhé světové války se Dynamitka Bohnice stala strategickým bodem. Její produkce byla nezbytná pro vojenské operace a továrna pracovala na plné obrátky, aby uspokojila nároky válčících stran. Stíny těchto dob stále visí nad ruinami, připomínajíce pracovníky, kteří zde riskovali své životy.
Po skončení druhé světové války a s nástupem modernějších technologií ztratila Dynamitka Bohnice svůj význam. Továrna byla postupně opuštěna a zanechána napospas času a přírodě. V dobách socialismu sloužilo okolí k různým experimentálním účelům, ale postupně se na místo zapomnělo.
Nyní je přední čast používaná a v zadní se hraje airsoft, celkově není moc co tam vidět
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8 months ago
Tam je teda čurbes 🙁
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