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Joined August 2024
Joined August 2024
1 month ago
I found the first mention with the date of the mill already in 1407.
Brief description:
The mill was in operation until the middle of the 20th century.
From about 1948 to 1970 the mill was home to the National Committee, then the Civic Committee, the Volunteer Fire Department (then the Firemen), a library, and a movie theater.
In 1974 the pub moved from the centre of the village to the "mill" and the cinema and hall began to decline.
The pub operated until 1991. Since then this part of the building should be abandoned. The second part is used... show more I found the first mention with the date of the mill already in 1407.
Brief description:
The mill was in operation until the middle of the 20th century.
From about 1948 to 1970 the mill was home to the National Committee, then the Civic Committee, the Volunteer Fire Department (then the Firemen), a library, and a movie theater.
In 1974 the pub moved from the centre of the village to the "mill" and the cinema and hall began to decline.
The pub operated until 1991. Since then this part of the building should be abandoned. The second part is used as a shooting range.
The local national committee **** was housed in the mill from 1948-1970. The building was also used by the local branch of the Czechoslovak Fire Protection Union (a branch of the National Front), and there was a cinema with a public library which played at weekends. In 1952, the local National Committee began to work with the so-called Women's Committees (Czechoslovak Women's Union). In 1974 the Jednota **** established a tavern in the mill building and in 1975 the local national committee started to close the cultural hall located there.
After the communist coup in February 1948, the state separated the agricultural and forestry components and the state property was further administered as Czechoslovak Forests and Czechoslovak Farms. In 1950, a unified agricultural cooperative was established in ****, which took over the mill area with a sawmill and a farmstead for the cow shed.
In 1951, the Communist government established the Union for Cooperation with the Army (Svazarm) on the model of the USSR (DOSAAF), whose task was "to ensure the proper preparation of the broadest strata of the working people for the performance of the tasks of the defence of the Fatherland, to deepen the unity of the working people with the people's democratic army, to educate the working people to be loyal to the alliance with the Soviet Union and the states of people's democracy".At the lowest level of the Svazarm there were so-called clubs and circles, groups and sports teams, grouped under the basic organisation of the Svazarm, which had their own committee, chairman, vice-chairman, managing director, treasurer, housekeeper, instructors and their own members. Sometime around 1964, a "Svazarm **** Basic Organization" (ZO SVAZARM ****) was formed under the District Committee of Svazarm in **** with a shooting base that used the facility. In the 1980s, a Svazarm training centre was built in the building for Mass Conscription sporting events.
Brief description:
The mill was in operation until the middle of the 20th century.
From about 1948 to 1970 the mill was home to the National Committee, then the Civic Committee, the Volunteer Fire Department (then the Firemen), a library, and a movie theater.
In 1974 the pub moved from the centre of the village to the "mill" and the cinema and hall began to decline.
The pub operated until 1991. Since then this part of the building should be abandoned. The second part is used... show more I found the first mention with the date of the mill already in 1407.
Brief description:
The mill was in operation until the middle of the 20th century.
From about 1948 to 1970 the mill was home to the National Committee, then the Civic Committee, the Volunteer Fire Department (then the Firemen), a library, and a movie theater.
In 1974 the pub moved from the centre of the village to the "mill" and the cinema and hall began to decline.
The pub operated until 1991. Since then this part of the building should be abandoned. The second part is used as a shooting range.
The local national committee **** was housed in the mill from 1948-1970. The building was also used by the local branch of the Czechoslovak Fire Protection Union (a branch of the National Front), and there was a cinema with a public library which played at weekends. In 1952, the local National Committee began to work with the so-called Women's Committees (Czechoslovak Women's Union). In 1974 the Jednota **** established a tavern in the mill building and in 1975 the local national committee started to close the cultural hall located there.
After the communist coup in February 1948, the state separated the agricultural and forestry components and the state property was further administered as Czechoslovak Forests and Czechoslovak Farms. In 1950, a unified agricultural cooperative was established in ****, which took over the mill area with a sawmill and a farmstead for the cow shed.
In 1951, the Communist government established the Union for Cooperation with the Army (Svazarm) on the model of the USSR (DOSAAF), whose task was "to ensure the proper preparation of the broadest strata of the working people for the performance of the tasks of the defence of the Fatherland, to deepen the unity of the working people with the people's democratic army, to educate the working people to be loyal to the alliance with the Soviet Union and the states of people's democracy".At the lowest level of the Svazarm there were so-called clubs and circles, groups and sports teams, grouped under the basic organisation of the Svazarm, which had their own committee, chairman, vice-chairman, managing director, treasurer, housekeeper, instructors and their own members. Sometime around 1964, a "Svazarm **** Basic Organization" (ZO SVAZARM ****) was formed under the District Committee of Svazarm in **** with a shooting base that used the facility. In the 1980s, a Svazarm training centre was built in the building for Mass Conscription sporting events.
První zmínku s datumem o mlýnu jsem našel už roku 1407.
Stručný popis:
Mlýn byl v provozu do poloviny 20. století.
Přibližně od r. 1948 do r. 1970 byl ve mlýně Národní výbor, pak Občanský výbor, dobrovolní hasiči (tehdy Požárníci), knihovna, kino.
V roce 1974 se hospoda přesunula ze středu obce právě do „mlýna“ a tím začalo upadat kino a sál.
Hospoda fungovala do roku 1991. Od té doby by měla být tato část objektu opuštěná. Ve druhé části se provozuje střelnice.
Místní národní výbor **** sídlil v letech 1948–1970 ve mlýně. Budovu využíval též místní sbor Československého svazu požární ochrany (složka Národní fronty), dále se zde nacházelo kino s veřejnou knihovnou, jež hrávalo o víkendu. Od roku 1952 začaly při místním národním výboru pracovat tzv. výbory žen (Československý svaz žen). V roce 1974 zřídila Jednota **** v budově mlýna hostinec a od roku 1975 započal místní národní výbor s rušením zde se nacházejícího kulturního sálu.
Po komunistickém puči v únoru 1948 stát oddělil zemědělskou a lesnickou složku a státní majetek byl dále spravován jako Československé lesy a Československé statky. V roce 1950 bylo v **** založeno jednotné zemědělské družstvo,které zabralo areál mlýna s pilou a pro kravín hospodářskou usedlost.
V roce 1951 zřídila komunistická vláda podle vzoru SSSR (DOSAAF) Svaz pro spolupráci s armádou(Svazarm), jehož úkolem bylo „zajištění řádné přípravy nejširších vrstev pracujícího lidu k plnění úkolů obrany vlasti, prohloubení jednoty pracujícího lidu s lidově demokratickou armádou, výchova pracujícího lidu k věrnosti ke spojeneckému svazku se Sovětským svazem a se státy lidové demokracie“.Na nejnižší úrovni Svazarmu fungovaly tzv. kluby a kroužky, skupiny a sportovní družstva, sdružená pod základní organizací Svazarmu, jež měly svůj vlastní výbor, předsedu, místopředsedu, jednatele, pokladníka, hospodáře, instruktory a vlastní členy. Někdy kolem roku 1964 vznikla pod Okresním výborem Svazarmu v **** „Základní organizace Svazarm ****” (ZO SVAZARM ****) se střeleckou základnou, která využívala objekt. V 80. letech bylo v budově vybudováno výcvikové středisko Svazarmu pro Masově branné sportovní akce.
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