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Joined August 2024
Joined August 2024
5 months ago
The basis of the complex was a paper mill from 1835, first powered by two water wheels, from the second half of the 1850s by a steam engine.
In 1867, the factory was bought by Ignaz F., a Prague printer, who modernised the pulp mill.
Between 1891 and 1901, the new director of the company, Robert F., from 1915 with the surname von Robettin, built a new paper mill, which was connected in 1896 by a siding to the line of the Czech Northern Railway.
In 1926, a new pulp mill was completed with a characteristic digester tower.
Further expansion... show more The basis of the complex was a paper mill from 1835, first powered by two water wheels, from the second half of the 1850s by a steam engine.
In 1867, the factory was bought by Ignaz F., a Prague printer, who modernised the pulp mill.
Between 1891 and 1901, the new director of the company, Robert F., from 1915 with the surname von Robettin, built a new paper mill, which was connected in 1896 by a siding to the line of the Czech Northern Railway.
In 1926, a new pulp mill was completed with a characteristic digester tower.
Further expansion took place between 1934 and 1938.
At the beginning of the 1950s a second (southern) brewhouse was built, but the pulp mill ceased operation in 1969. A few years later, a new hall began operation and paper production has continued here ever since, apart from a break of several years at the end of the 1990s.
Since 1973 the paper mill was listed as a cultural monument, but it was removed from the list in 1987. In June 2010, both towers of the mill were demolished.
The F. villa on the slope above the mill was demolished in 2021.
I'll try to track down photos from 2018 when I was there to add a photo of the villa to give an idea. Apart from the demolition, nothing has changed over the years.
Otherwise they are building solar panels around the site and part of the site is still in use.
In 1867, the factory was bought by Ignaz F., a Prague printer, who modernised the pulp mill.
Between 1891 and 1901, the new director of the company, Robert F., from 1915 with the surname von Robettin, built a new paper mill, which was connected in 1896 by a siding to the line of the Czech Northern Railway.
In 1926, a new pulp mill was completed with a characteristic digester tower.
Further expansion... show more The basis of the complex was a paper mill from 1835, first powered by two water wheels, from the second half of the 1850s by a steam engine.
In 1867, the factory was bought by Ignaz F., a Prague printer, who modernised the pulp mill.
Between 1891 and 1901, the new director of the company, Robert F., from 1915 with the surname von Robettin, built a new paper mill, which was connected in 1896 by a siding to the line of the Czech Northern Railway.
In 1926, a new pulp mill was completed with a characteristic digester tower.
Further expansion took place between 1934 and 1938.
At the beginning of the 1950s a second (southern) brewhouse was built, but the pulp mill ceased operation in 1969. A few years later, a new hall began operation and paper production has continued here ever since, apart from a break of several years at the end of the 1990s.
Since 1973 the paper mill was listed as a cultural monument, but it was removed from the list in 1987. In June 2010, both towers of the mill were demolished.
The F. villa on the slope above the mill was demolished in 2021.
I'll try to track down photos from 2018 when I was there to add a photo of the villa to give an idea. Apart from the demolition, nothing has changed over the years.
Otherwise they are building solar panels around the site and part of the site is still in use.
Základ areálu tvořila papírna z roku 1835, nejprve poháněná dvěma vodními koly, od druhé poloviny padesátých let 19. století parním strojem.
V roce 1867 továrnu koupil pražský tiskař Ignaz F., který modernizoval provoz na výrobu papíru z celulózy.
V letech 1891–1901 postavil nový ředitel firmy Robert F. od roku 1915 s přídomkem von Robettin, novou papírnu, napojenou roku 1896 vlečkou na trať České severní dráhy.
V roce 1926 byla dokončena nová celulózka charakteristickou věží varny.
Další rozšíření proběhlo v letech 1934–1938.
Na počátku padesátých let vyrostla druhá (jižní) varna, ale již roku 1969 provoz celulózky skončil. O několik let později zahájila provoz nová hala, výroba papíru zde kromě několikaleté přestávky na konci devadesátých let pokračuje doposud.
Od roku 1973 papírna figurovala na seznamu kulturních památek, ale již v roce 1987 z něj byla vyškrtnuta. V červnu 2010 byly odstřeleny obě věže varny.
F. vila ve svahu nad továrnou roku 2021 byla zbourána.
Pokusím se dohledat fotky z roku 2018 kdy jsem tam byl, abych dodal fotku vily pro představu. Krom demolice se po těch letech nic nezměnilo.
Jinak kolem areálu budují solární panely a část areálu se dodnes využívá.
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2 months ago
a to jste to dali krs ty fotovoltaiky ?:O
2 months ago
Jojo. Když se jde po cestě od skály, tak tam nikde plot ani zákaz není, sice tam mají kamery na ty panely, ale to jsme normálně prošli a v pohodě.
2 months ago
A není to vyloženě skrz, není to ještě dostavěné na celém pozemku, takže spíš hned vedle nich.😁
5 months ago
Na tu vilu se těším, tu jsem tam bohužel nestihl👍🏻
2 months ago
Projížděl jsem veškeré možnosti, kde bych ty fotky mohl mít, ale bohužel už je asi nenajdu.
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