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Joined October 2020
Joined October 2020
Na profilu najdete urbex,urban climbing,infiltraci nebo tajné podzemní objekty. Mám také instagram (urbex.mb) kde vychází fotky a alba o něco dříve tak mne tam neváhejte sledovat :)))
3 years ago
Somewhere under Prague there are hundreds of places about which there are various legends and stories.I had the opportunity to visit one of these places.I would like to write more about it, but with regard to the vastness and size of this place I really can not specify much more.It is already clear that I will visit the place again and I will definitely take more care in taking photos and if there is a chance I will try to get photos from the place "behind the bars" and maybe even from the alcove adjacent to the metro.
When I... show more Somewhere under Prague there are hundreds of places about which there are various legends and stories.I had the opportunity to visit one of these places.I would like to write more about it, but with regard to the vastness and size of this place I really can not specify much more.It is already clear that I will visit the place again and I will definitely take more care in taking photos and if there is a chance I will try to get photos from the place "behind the bars" and maybe even from the alcove adjacent to the metro.
When I started here a year ago,the subway was the "ceiling" where I planned to get to and now it is clear that I can go further ;)
By the end of the year I will post here probably the biggest project we are currently working on.
So I'm not being too secretive and I'll tell you that it's a building from which you can get a direct route to Moscow.
I won't say any more, at most you can keep your fingers crossed.
When I... show more Somewhere under Prague there are hundreds of places about which there are various legends and stories.I had the opportunity to visit one of these places.I would like to write more about it, but with regard to the vastness and size of this place I really can not specify much more.It is already clear that I will visit the place again and I will definitely take more care in taking photos and if there is a chance I will try to get photos from the place "behind the bars" and maybe even from the alcove adjacent to the metro.
When I started here a year ago,the subway was the "ceiling" where I planned to get to and now it is clear that I can go further ;)
By the end of the year I will post here probably the biggest project we are currently working on.
So I'm not being too secretive and I'll tell you that it's a building from which you can get a direct route to Moscow.
I won't say any more, at most you can keep your fingers crossed.
Kdesi pod Prahou se nachází stovky míst o kterých se tradují různé pověsti a historky.Já měl možnost jedno z těchto míst navštívit.Rád bych o něm napsal více ovšem s ohledem na rozhlehlost a velikost tohoto místa opravdu moc blíže specifikovat nemohu.Už teď je jasné že na místo se ještě jednou vydám a rozhodně si dám více záležet na provedení fotek a pokud bude možnost/šance tak se pokusím získat fotky z místa „zá mříží“ a dost možná i z výklenku sousedícího s metrem.
Když jsem zde před rokem začínal,metro bylo ten „strop“ kam jsem měl v plánu se dostat a teď už je jasné že to půjde dotáhnout ještě dál ;)
Do konce roku zde zveřejním asi největší projekt na kterém teď aktuálně pracujeme.
Ať nejsem tedy moc tajnemný tak napovím že se jedná o objekt z kterého se dovoláte přímou cestou do Moskvy.
Více už říkat nebudu,maximálně že nám můžete držet palce.
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3 months ago
Škoda, už to zakamerovali
New Palmovka - vol.2
Another palm tree, but this time not in the daytime :D
Urbex Palmovka
Exploring an abandoned and unfinished shopping centre in Prague's Palmovka district. The building can already...
New palm tree
First a plan for a new city hall eventually converted to a huge shopping mall,...
New complex 🌴
The Nová 🌴 complex began construction eight years ago. It was to be the new...
Palm tree in the snow
I don't think there's a more profane place than this. I've been waiting for snow...