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Joined November 2022
Joined November 2022
7 months ago
The oldest written records of the cinema date from 1970, but it may be older. It closed around the '90s. It's fascinating that in all that time it wasn't upgraded until it closed and had dry toilets. It's in pretty poor shape now, but it's mesmerizing when you climb up to the loft where they put the advertising posters after the screenings. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of them. I spent about an hour looking at them. Some of the films I know, some I've seen more than once, belong to Czechism. There are also posters for Czech films that...
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The oldest written records of the cinema date from 1970, but it may be older. It closed around the '90s. It's fascinating that in all that time it wasn't upgraded until it closed and had dry toilets. It's in pretty poor shape now, but it's mesmerizing when you climb up to the loft where they put the advertising posters after the screenings. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of them. I spent about an hour looking at them. Some of the films I know, some I've seen more than once, belong to Czechism. There are also posters for Czech films that I don't know by name and have probably never seen. Of course, there are quite a few foreign films there as well. I wonder how many hours the projectors were on and the film was being made. Nobody can count that anymore. According to the 1978 inventory, a ticket cost 1 to 6 CZK. How much is a cinema ticket in 2024 ........🤔
Nejstarší písemnosti o kině jsou z roku 1970, ale může být i starší. Zavřelo asi v devadesátkách. Je fascinující, že za celou dobu ho nezmodernizovali až do zavření měl suché toalety. Už je v dost v bídném stavu, ale je uchvacující když člověk vyleze až na půdu kde odkládaly reklamní plakáty po promítaní. Jsou jich tam stovky možná i tisíce. Prohlížel jsem je asi hodinu. Některé filmy znám některé jsem viděl i vícekrát patří k češství. Jsou tam i plakáty na české filmy, které podle názvu neznám a asi jsem je nikdy neviděl. Samozřejmě je tam dost i zahraničních filmů. Kolik hodin asi promítačky svítily a točil se na nich film. To už dnes nikdo nespočítá. Lístek dle inventury z roku 1978 stál 1 až 6 Kčs. Kolik stojí lístek do kina v roce 2024 ........🤔
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7 months ago
Být tam musí být boží škoda že je tak daleko..
7 months ago
Daleko je relativní pojem. Hory jsou každé xté místo nepoužívané. I příroda je tam super. Stojí to za výlet.
Abandoned cosi at our neighbours...
Right by the road and not far from the border with the Czech Republic...Nothing is...
Castle 2021
Abandoned cottage 2021
Around the prison 2021
Prison 2021
Sometimes it pays to go back to a place you've only walked past.