8 months ago
I don't know the exact details of this pit, but it was exposed during the communist period.
I made a visit to this legendary site in May, back when it was still possible to get there. I don't know what it looks like now, but I do know that they are already installing explosives in the skip tower, which will be demolished in a few weeks.
I made a visit to this legendary site in May, back when it was still possible to get there. I don't know what it looks like now, but I do know that they are already installing explosives in the skip tower, which will be demolished in a few weeks.
Nevím přesné informace této jámy, ale byla vystavena v období komunismu.
Návštěvu tohoto legendárního areálu jsem uskutečnil v květnu, ještě kdy se tam dalo dostat. Teď už nevím jak to tam vypadá, ale vím že se už instalují výbušniny do skipové věže, která se za pár týdnů bude demolovat.
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