6 months ago
Moravskoslezský kraj, Ostrava-město,
Vitkovice Ironworks, (Lower Vitkovice area)
This album consists of an abandoned smelting hall that connects blast furnaces 4 and 6. In the future this smelting hall is going to be reconstructed, like any abandoned place that has not been reconstructed yet.
Ever since my childhood when I walked by I dreamed of fully exploring these giants. Finally, that wish has come true. The whole place had an inexplicable atmosphere that I will never forget.
This album consists of an abandoned smelting hall that connects blast furnaces 4 and 6. In the future this smelting hall is going to be reconstructed, like any abandoned place that has not been reconstructed yet.
Ever since my childhood when I walked by I dreamed of fully exploring these giants. Finally, that wish has come true. The whole place had an inexplicable atmosphere that I will never forget.
Vítkovické železárny, (Dolní Oblast Vítkovice)
Toto album se skládá z opuštěné tavící haly která spojuje vysokou pec 4 a 6. V budoucnosti čeká tuto tavící halu rekonstrukci, jako každé ještě nezrekonstruované, opuštěné místo.
Už od dětství když jsem procházel kolem jsem snil o tom plně prozkoumat tyto obří giganty. Nakonec se mi toto přání splnilo. Celé toto místo mělo nevysvětlitelnou atmosféru na kterou nikdy nezapomenu.
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