7 months ago
Moravskoslezský kraj, Karviná,
Over 80 metres high dominating the horizon of Karviná. It was built in 1981 and equipped with 500 tonne mining machines. It was in operation until the mine closed in 2019.
Dust, silence and sensors.
That's how one could describe the climb up this tower. Looking at a tower like this from afar, you might think there's an elevator at the bottom and a mining machine at the top. That's true, of course, but it's actually a complicated complex of rooms, each with its own purpose. From workshops and warehouses to giant ventilation engines, electrical stations and, of course, the... show more Over 80 metres high dominating the horizon of Karviná. It was built in 1981 and equipped with 500 tonne mining machines. It was in operation until the mine closed in 2019.
Dust, silence and sensors.
That's how one could describe the climb up this tower. Looking at a tower like this from afar, you might think there's an elevator at the bottom and a mining machine at the top. That's true, of course, but it's actually a complicated complex of rooms, each with its own purpose. From workshops and warehouses to giant ventilation engines, electrical stations and, of course, the mining machine.
This tower, compared to others in the region, does not have a bright future. At the end of this month, it will be demolished, along with the buildings of the complex in which it is located.
Dust, silence and sensors.
That's how one could describe the climb up this tower. Looking at a tower like this from afar, you might think there's an elevator at the bottom and a mining machine at the top. That's true, of course, but it's actually a complicated complex of rooms, each with its own purpose. From workshops and warehouses to giant ventilation engines, electrical stations and, of course, the... show more Over 80 metres high dominating the horizon of Karviná. It was built in 1981 and equipped with 500 tonne mining machines. It was in operation until the mine closed in 2019.
Dust, silence and sensors.
That's how one could describe the climb up this tower. Looking at a tower like this from afar, you might think there's an elevator at the bottom and a mining machine at the top. That's true, of course, but it's actually a complicated complex of rooms, each with its own purpose. From workshops and warehouses to giant ventilation engines, electrical stations and, of course, the mining machine.
This tower, compared to others in the region, does not have a bright future. At the end of this month, it will be demolished, along with the buildings of the complex in which it is located.
Přes 80 metrů vysoká dominanta horizontu Karvinska. Byla postavena v roce 1981 a vybavena 500 tunovými těžními stroji. Byla ve funkci až do uzavření dolu v roce 2019.
Prach, ticho a senzory.
Tak by se dal popsat výšlap této věže. Když se člověk podívá z dálky na takovou věž, tak si možná bude myslet že dole je výtah a nahoře těžní stroj. To je samozřejmě pravda, ale ve skutečnosti to je komplikovaný komplex místností s každým svým vlastním účelem. Od dílen a skladů, až po obří ventilační motory, elektrické stanice a samozřejmě, těžní stroj.
Tuto věž, oproti ostatním v tomto kraji, nečeká pěkná budoucnost. Na konci tohoto měsíce jí čeká demolice a společně s ní se zdemolují budovy areálu, v nimž se nachází.
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