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Joined July 2024
Joined July 2024
𝕊𝕟𝕖𝕛𝕜𝕪𝕤 𝕌𝕣𝕓𝕖𝕩🐍 ᔕOᑕIᗩᒪ ᑭᖇOᖴIᒪE ⬇ E᙭ᑭᒪOᖇEᖇ ✨
5 months ago
I recently went exploring an abandoned farmhouse I'd heard about. I was drawn to the site like a magnet, mainly because of one thing: a painting by JWM that adorned its walls.
Once I arrived, it was clear that the farmhouse had only a few days left to live. The old beams groaned under the weight of time, and the window frames bowed under the onslaught of the wind. Yet, for all the decay, there was something that animated the place. On one of the walls was a beautiful painting by JWM, the only slice of life in an otherwise... show more I recently went exploring an abandoned farmhouse I'd heard about. I was drawn to the site like a magnet, mainly because of one thing: a painting by JWM that adorned its walls.
Once I arrived, it was clear that the farmhouse had only a few days left to live. The old beams groaned under the weight of time, and the window frames bowed under the onslaught of the wind. Yet, for all the decay, there was something that animated the place. On one of the walls was a beautiful painting by JWM, the only slice of life in an otherwise dilapidated building.
I walked through the corridors and felt the place say goodbye to the world. All indications were that it was about to collapse, whether from standing or weather, but the painting was still there, shining, telling its story and leaving the imprint of the artist.
#urbex #JWM #abandonedplaces #art #urbanexploration #lastdays #forgottenbeauty #graffiti
Once I arrived, it was clear that the farmhouse had only a few days left to live. The old beams groaned under the weight of time, and the window frames bowed under the onslaught of the wind. Yet, for all the decay, there was something that animated the place. On one of the walls was a beautiful painting by JWM, the only slice of life in an otherwise... show more I recently went exploring an abandoned farmhouse I'd heard about. I was drawn to the site like a magnet, mainly because of one thing: a painting by JWM that adorned its walls.
Once I arrived, it was clear that the farmhouse had only a few days left to live. The old beams groaned under the weight of time, and the window frames bowed under the onslaught of the wind. Yet, for all the decay, there was something that animated the place. On one of the walls was a beautiful painting by JWM, the only slice of life in an otherwise dilapidated building.
I walked through the corridors and felt the place say goodbye to the world. All indications were that it was about to collapse, whether from standing or weather, but the painting was still there, shining, telling its story and leaving the imprint of the artist.
#urbex #JWM #abandonedplaces #art #urbanexploration #lastdays #forgottenbeauty #graffiti
Nedávno jsem se vydala na průzkum opuštěného statku, o kterém jsem slyšela. Pověst o této lokalitě mě přitáhla jako magnet, především kvůli jedné věci: malbě od JWM, která zdobila jeho zdi.
Jakmile jsem dorazila, bylo jasné, že statku zbývá jen pár dní života. Staré trámy sténaly pod tíhou času, a okenní rámy se skláněly pod náporem vichru. Přesto, i přes všechen ten rozklad, tu stálo něco, co oživovalo místo. Na jedné ze zdí byla nádherná malba od JWM, jediný kousek života v jinak zchátralé budově.
Procházela jsem chodbami a cítila, jak se to tu loučí se světem. Všechno nasvědčovalo tomu, že se brzy zhroutí ať už stoji nebo počasím, ale malba tu stále zářila, vyprávěla svůj příběh a zanechávala otisk umělce.
#urbex #JWM #abandonedplaces #art #urbanexploration #lastdays #forgottenbeauty #graffiti
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4 months ago
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