5 months ago

I recently went exploring an abandoned farmhouse I'd heard about. I was drawn to the site like a magnet, mainly because of one thing: a painting by JWM that adorned its walls.

Once I arrived, it was clear that the farmhouse had only a few days left to live. The old beams groaned under the weight of time, and the window frames bowed under the onslaught of the wind. Yet, for all the decay, there was something that animated the place. On one of the walls was a beautiful painting by JWM, the only slice of life in an otherwise...  show more 
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JWM here too,but when I was here for the first time,there was no his newer...

The premises of a cooperative brewery with a malt house and the buildings of the...

Hop dryer and probably cowshed part of the still used area of the former JZD...

The boiler house with offices remains the only building of the once famous plant that...

Abandoned PDE steam railway waterworks with filtration equipment Dervaux et Comp. water treatment system and...

Today we went to get a new JWM and tried our luck at this bank.The...