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Joined June 2023
Joined June 2023
Jsem student stavebnictví a zajímám se o architekturu. S partou kamarádů rádi objevujeme staronové stavby a památky tehdejší doby. Kdyby se k nám chtěl někdo přidat klidně napište, kraj Olomoucký okr. Šumperk ale rádi chodíme i do přírody a na hory.
Vojtěchov former children's sanatorium
Vojtěchov bývalá dětská ozdravovna
- stepanek
- Vojtěchov former children's sanatorium
1 week ago
Olomoucký kraj, Prostějov,
The former children's sanatorium, which had long been dilapidated, was bought by businessman and developer Morávek (who invested in the shantovka) for CZK 1.4 million from the state.
For the time being, he is still finalizing the development plan and probably also studies and all technical documentation with permits.
As far as the architectural aspect of the sanatorium is concerned, it is a beautiful modern building in a cubist style, but at the same time in a functionalist direction, in the middle of a forest in a clean and quiet environment. Outside there is a swimming pool and probably on... show more The former children's sanatorium, which had long been dilapidated, was bought by businessman and developer Morávek (who invested in the shantovka) for CZK 1.4 million from the state.
For the time being, he is still finalizing the development plan and probably also studies and all technical documentation with permits.
As far as the architectural aspect of the sanatorium is concerned, it is a beautiful modern building in a cubist style, but at the same time in a functionalist direction, in the middle of a forest in a clean and quiet environment. Outside there is a swimming pool and probably on the south side the building is open to let the sun in as much as possible and for as long as possible.
However, the most interesting and striking thing about the building is its stepped roofs, which can be walked on as well as reached all the way down.
The same gradation is used on the glass side and adds to the timelessness of the building.
Unfortunately, demolition has already begun
For the time being, he is still finalizing the development plan and probably also studies and all technical documentation with permits.
As far as the architectural aspect of the sanatorium is concerned, it is a beautiful modern building in a cubist style, but at the same time in a functionalist direction, in the middle of a forest in a clean and quiet environment. Outside there is a swimming pool and probably on... show more The former children's sanatorium, which had long been dilapidated, was bought by businessman and developer Morávek (who invested in the shantovka) for CZK 1.4 million from the state.
For the time being, he is still finalizing the development plan and probably also studies and all technical documentation with permits.
As far as the architectural aspect of the sanatorium is concerned, it is a beautiful modern building in a cubist style, but at the same time in a functionalist direction, in the middle of a forest in a clean and quiet environment. Outside there is a swimming pool and probably on the south side the building is open to let the sun in as much as possible and for as long as possible.
However, the most interesting and striking thing about the building is its stepped roofs, which can be walked on as well as reached all the way down.
The same gradation is used on the glass side and adds to the timelessness of the building.
Unfortunately, demolition has already begun
Bývala dětská ozdravovna, která už dlouho chátrala byla odkoupena podnikatelem a developerem Morávkem ( který investoval do šantovky) za 1,4 milionů Kč od státu.
Ten prozatím ještě dokončuje developerský plán a pravděpodobně i studie a veškerou technickou dokumentaci s povolením.
Co se týče ozdravovny po stránce architektonické jde o nádhernou členitou moderní stavbu v kubistickém stylu zároveň však funkcionalistického směru , uprostřed lesa v čistém a klidném prostředí. Venku se nachází bazén á pravděpodobně z jižní strany je budova celá otevřená aby sem proniklo slunce co nejvíce a nejdéle.
Nejzajímavější a nejvýraznější na stavbě však jsou její stupňovité střechy po kterých se dá jak chodit tak i dostat se až úplně dolů.
Stejné odstupňování je použito i na prosklené straně a dodává stavbě nadčasovos.
Bohužel už začala její demolice
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