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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
But one day death separated them ☠️🖤🕰️
Avšak jednoho dne je smrt rozdělila ☠️🖤🕰️
- viralpatrik
- But one day death separated them ☠️🖤🕰️
4 months ago
But one day death separated them 🕰️☠️
The road slowly seems endless, but after a while we pass the sign of a small town where a long abandoned house is waiting for us. At first we wonder if this place is really abandoned, as the outside facade doesn't look too bad. Finally we decide to find out 🕰️
After a while, success came for our urbexer desires. We see a large piece of crumbled ceiling. That was the signal that the place was indeed abandoned. We found the entrance after a while. Through the overgrown courtyard, we approach the... show more @viral_patrik
But one day death separated them 🕰️☠️
The road slowly seems endless, but after a while we pass the sign of a small town where a long abandoned house is waiting for us. At first we wonder if this place is really abandoned, as the outside facade doesn't look too bad. Finally we decide to find out 🕰️
After a while, success came for our urbexer desires. We see a large piece of crumbled ceiling. That was the signal that the place was indeed abandoned. We found the entrance after a while. Through the overgrown courtyard, we approach the entrance. Everywhere we have to fight our way through lush vegetation and smaller outbuildings. Not a soul to be seen, thankfully. After a few moments, we see the door wide open. We rejoice and walk carefully 🚪
A strong smell accompanies us as we enter. Probably musty. But what surprises us is the presence of a lot of equipment left behind. Old cupboards, shelves, books or jars everywhere. Behind the next door, an old television waits for us in silence, another silent witness to this story 📺
"It's been thirty years since they looked at me
After careful research, we also found a manual for making clothes in a large layer of wrapped papers.
Why was it so hidden? Did they make clothes here? The paper in the next room suggests something else, and we think there might be some truth to it. They must have kept it a secret because the regime of the time didn't like private entrepreneurs very much 🧥
There are also Christian paintings hanging on the walls around the house, which adds another piece to the puzzle. Were they religious? There used to be a golden cross here before someone took it away 😢
Hopefully they reunited on the truth of God ☁️🖤
You can find a video of this place here 🎥
Prep on instagram 🤝
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the post and I hope I didn't write anything bad anywhere.
I'm trying my best and I will improve 😌
But one day death separated them 🕰️☠️
The road slowly seems endless, but after a while we pass the sign of a small town where a long abandoned house is waiting for us. At first we wonder if this place is really abandoned, as the outside facade doesn't look too bad. Finally we decide to find out 🕰️
After a while, success came for our urbexer desires. We see a large piece of crumbled ceiling. That was the signal that the place was indeed abandoned. We found the entrance after a while. Through the overgrown courtyard, we approach the... show more @viral_patrik
But one day death separated them 🕰️☠️
The road slowly seems endless, but after a while we pass the sign of a small town where a long abandoned house is waiting for us. At first we wonder if this place is really abandoned, as the outside facade doesn't look too bad. Finally we decide to find out 🕰️
After a while, success came for our urbexer desires. We see a large piece of crumbled ceiling. That was the signal that the place was indeed abandoned. We found the entrance after a while. Through the overgrown courtyard, we approach the entrance. Everywhere we have to fight our way through lush vegetation and smaller outbuildings. Not a soul to be seen, thankfully. After a few moments, we see the door wide open. We rejoice and walk carefully 🚪
A strong smell accompanies us as we enter. Probably musty. But what surprises us is the presence of a lot of equipment left behind. Old cupboards, shelves, books or jars everywhere. Behind the next door, an old television waits for us in silence, another silent witness to this story 📺
"It's been thirty years since they looked at me
After careful research, we also found a manual for making clothes in a large layer of wrapped papers.
Why was it so hidden? Did they make clothes here? The paper in the next room suggests something else, and we think there might be some truth to it. They must have kept it a secret because the regime of the time didn't like private entrepreneurs very much 🧥
There are also Christian paintings hanging on the walls around the house, which adds another piece to the puzzle. Were they religious? There used to be a golden cross here before someone took it away 😢
Hopefully they reunited on the truth of God ☁️🖤
You can find a video of this place here 🎥
Prep on instagram 🤝
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the post and I hope I didn't write anything bad anywhere.
I'm trying my best and I will improve 😌
Avšak jednoho dne je smrt rozdělila 🕰️☠️
Cesta se zdá pomalu nekonečná, ale už po chvíli míjíme ceduli městečka, ve kterém na nás čeká již dlouho opuštěný dům. Ze začátku přemýšlíme jestli je tohle místo opravdu opuštěno, neboť venkovní fasáda nevypadá úplně špatně. Nakonec jsme se rozhodli to přeci jen zjistit 🕰️
Po chvilce přišel úspěch pro naše urbexerské touhy. Vidíme veliký kus rozpadlého stropu. To byl signál, že místo je opravdu opuštěno. Vstup jsme našli po chvilce. Přes zarostlý dvůr se blížíme ke vstupu dovnitř. Všude se musíme probojovávat přes bujnou vegetaci a menší hospodářská stavení. Nikde ani živáčka, naštěstí. Po pár chvilkách vidíme otevřené dveře dokořán. Radujem se a opatrně jdem 🚪
Při vstupu nás doprovází silný zápach. Nejspíše zatuchlina. Co nás ale překvapuje, je přítomnost velkého množství vybavení co tady zůstalo. Všude staré skříně, poličky, knihy nebo zavařeniny. Za dalšími dveřmi na nás čeká v tichosti stará televize, která je dalším tichým svědkem tohoto příběhu 📺
,,Je to už třicet let, co na mě koukali''
Po bedlivém průzkumu jsme našli ve veliké vrstvě zabalených papírů také manuál k výrobě oblečení.
Proč byl tak schovaný? Vyráběli tady snad nějaké oblečení? Napovídá tomu ještě papír ve vedlejší místnosti a říkáme si, že na tom možná něco pravdy bude. Jen to asi museli zatajovat , protože tehdejší režim soukromé podnikatele neměl asi moc rád 🧥
Po domě na zdech visí také křesťanské obrazy, což přidává další dílek do skládačky. Byli věřící? Dříve tady byl i zlatý kříž, než ho někdo sebral 😢
Snad se spolu na pravdě boží znovu setkali ☁️🖤
Video z tohoto místa naleznete tady 🎥
Přípravek na instagramu 🤝
Děkuji za vaše přečtení. Snad se vám příspěvek líbí a doufám, že jsem nikde nenapsal nic špatného.
Snažím se a budu se zlepšovat 😌
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