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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
1 year ago
House of the Schizophrenic 🧸🖤
Until seven years ago a schizophrenic man and his wife lived here, but today this house is inhabited only by a few tiny animals or the soul of a schizophrenic ☠️
The house is full of all the amenities and we can conclude from the documents we found here that the schizophrenic was also a clerk and represented people like himself ⌛
According to the gaming computer, manuals and old games like GTA 2, cop or other games, we can say that he must have been an avid computer game player as well 🖱️... show more @viral_patrik
House of the Schizophrenic 🧸🖤
Until seven years ago a schizophrenic man and his wife lived here, but today this house is inhabited only by a few tiny animals or the soul of a schizophrenic ☠️
The house is full of all the amenities and we can conclude from the documents we found here that the schizophrenic was also a clerk and represented people like himself ⌛
According to the gaming computer, manuals and old games like GTA 2, cop or other games, we can say that he must have been an avid computer game player as well 🖱️
This house is wonderfully preserved, mainly due to the location and the unfamiliarity of the place. The atmosphere in this place is really indescribable and hopefully I will come back and discover the other part of this building, but that's next time 🏚️
You can see a video of this house on my channel
House of the Schizophrenic 🧸🖤
Until seven years ago a schizophrenic man and his wife lived here, but today this house is inhabited only by a few tiny animals or the soul of a schizophrenic ☠️
The house is full of all the amenities and we can conclude from the documents we found here that the schizophrenic was also a clerk and represented people like himself ⌛
According to the gaming computer, manuals and old games like GTA 2, cop or other games, we can say that he must have been an avid computer game player as well 🖱️... show more @viral_patrik
House of the Schizophrenic 🧸🖤
Until seven years ago a schizophrenic man and his wife lived here, but today this house is inhabited only by a few tiny animals or the soul of a schizophrenic ☠️
The house is full of all the amenities and we can conclude from the documents we found here that the schizophrenic was also a clerk and represented people like himself ⌛
According to the gaming computer, manuals and old games like GTA 2, cop or other games, we can say that he must have been an avid computer game player as well 🖱️
This house is wonderfully preserved, mainly due to the location and the unfamiliarity of the place. The atmosphere in this place is really indescribable and hopefully I will come back and discover the other part of this building, but that's next time 🏚️
You can see a video of this house on my channel
Dům schizofrenika 🧸🖤
Ještě před sedmi lety zde žil schizofrenik se svoji manželkou, ale dnes už tento dům obývá pouze pár drobných živočichů či duše schizofrenika ☠️
Dům je plný veškerého vybavení a lze usoudit podle dokumentů, které jsme zde našli, že schizofrenik dělal i úředníka a zastával lidi jako on byl sám ⌛
Podle herního počítače, příruček i starých her jako GTA 2, polda či dalších her, lze říct, že musel být i vášnivým hráčem počítačových her 🖱️
Tento dům je skvěle zachovalý, hlavně především díky lokalitě a neznámosti tohoto místa. Atmosféra je na tomto místě opravdu nepopsatelná a snad se sem ještě někdy podívám a objevím druhou část této budovy, ale to příště 🏚️
Video z tohoto domu můžete vidět u mě na kanále
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1 year ago
Super! Vzpomínám, jak jsme jednou procházeli podobně zachovaný interiér domu. Bohužel pro nás se pak záhy ukázalo, že v domě někdo stále bydlí 😅
1 year ago
Ježiš, z toho taky občas mám hrůzu nebo ještě větší, když by jsme tam narazili na nějaký čerstvý mrtvý tělo 🫢
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