Schizophrenic House 🧸🖤

 1 year ago


House of the Schizophrenic 🧸🖤

Until seven years ago a schizophrenic man and his wife lived here, but today this house is inhabited only by a few tiny animals or the soul of a schizophrenic ☠️

The house is full of all the amenities and we can conclude from the documents we found here that the schizophrenic was also a clerk and represented people like himself ⌛

According to the gaming computer, manuals and old games like GTA 2, cop or other games, we can say that he must have been an avid computer game player as well 🖱️...  show more 
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  • sneeky

    1 year ago

    Super! Vzpomínám, jak jsme jednou procházeli podobně zachovaný interiér domu. Bohužel pro nás se pak záhy ukázalo, že v domě někdo stále bydlí 😅

      Ježiš, z toho taky občas mám hrůzu nebo ještě větší, když by jsme tam narazili na nějaký čerstvý mrtvý tělo 🫢


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