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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
The beauty of Austrian hor🇦🇹🏔️❤️
Krása rakouských hor🇦🇹🏔️❤️
- viralpatrik
- The beauty of Austrian hor🇦🇹🏔️❤️
1 year ago
Niederösterreich, Waidhofen an der Thaya,
A large and beautiful, yet quiet and deserted hotel in the middle of the Austrian mountains 🇦🇹❤️✌️
While exploring this hotel building we perceived a really great atmosphere, as there are not many such beautiful abandoned hotels 😌.
Long corridors, rooms without guests and a pool without water give a really eerie impression. The omnipresence of silence and the presence of amenities really managed to open my mind. Really glad for visiting this place, I will hope to find another place like this ❤️😌✌️
On the other hand, it is a great pity that this hotel is left to decay,... show more A large and beautiful, yet quiet and deserted hotel in the middle of the Austrian mountains 🇦🇹❤️✌️
While exploring this hotel building we perceived a really great atmosphere, as there are not many such beautiful abandoned hotels 😌.
Long corridors, rooms without guests and a pool without water give a really eerie impression. The omnipresence of silence and the presence of amenities really managed to open my mind. Really glad for visiting this place, I will hope to find another place like this ❤️😌✌️
On the other hand, it is a great pity that this hotel is left to decay, even if it could be fixed 🧱.
Surely this hotel could bring back the joy and satisfaction of the guests as it was before. The question is how realistic is that 🙉
The hotel to this day hides a lot of secrets🤫
A video of this hotel will be available to watch on my channel - https://youtube.com/@ViralPatrik
or on my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/viral_patrik/
Thank you for your attention ❤️
While exploring this hotel building we perceived a really great atmosphere, as there are not many such beautiful abandoned hotels 😌.
Long corridors, rooms without guests and a pool without water give a really eerie impression. The omnipresence of silence and the presence of amenities really managed to open my mind. Really glad for visiting this place, I will hope to find another place like this ❤️😌✌️
On the other hand, it is a great pity that this hotel is left to decay,... show more A large and beautiful, yet quiet and deserted hotel in the middle of the Austrian mountains 🇦🇹❤️✌️
While exploring this hotel building we perceived a really great atmosphere, as there are not many such beautiful abandoned hotels 😌.
Long corridors, rooms without guests and a pool without water give a really eerie impression. The omnipresence of silence and the presence of amenities really managed to open my mind. Really glad for visiting this place, I will hope to find another place like this ❤️😌✌️
On the other hand, it is a great pity that this hotel is left to decay, even if it could be fixed 🧱.
Surely this hotel could bring back the joy and satisfaction of the guests as it was before. The question is how realistic is that 🙉
The hotel to this day hides a lot of secrets🤫
A video of this hotel will be available to watch on my channel - https://youtube.com/@ViralPatrik
or on my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/viral_patrik/
Thank you for your attention ❤️
Veliký a krásný, ale přesto tichý a opuštěný hotel v uprostřed rakouských hor 🇦🇹❤️✌️
Při průzkumu této hotelové budovy jsme vnímal opravdu skvělou atmosféru, neboť takových krásných opuštěných hotelů moc není 😌
Dlouhé chodby, pokoje bez hostů a bazén bez vody působí opravdu až děsivým dojmem. Všude přítomnost ticha i přítomnost vybavení mně dokázala opravdu otevřít hlavu. Opravdu jsem rád za navštívení tohoto místa, budu doufat v nalezení dalšího takového místa ❤️😌✌️
Na druhou stranu je veliká škoda, že tento hotel někdo nechá chátrat, byť by se dal opravit 🧱
Určitě by tento hotel dokázal vrátit radost a spokojenost hostů tak jak tomu bylo dříve. Otázka je, jak moc je to reálné 🙉
Hotel do dnešních dnů skrývá spousty tajemství🤫
Video z tohoto hotelu bude ke shlédnutí na mém kanále - https://youtube.com/@ViralPatrik
případně na mém Instagramu - https://www.instagram.com/viral_patrik/
Děkuji za pozornost ❤️
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1 year ago
Super fotky😊
1 year ago
Děkuji Simčo, ale ještě mám o mnoho lepší místa ❤️✌️😎
1 year ago
Fakt? Tak to se budu těšit na fotky :)
The abandoned sawmill