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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
1 year ago
Jihomoravský kraj, Brno-venkov,
Typia printing house, located in one of the courtyards of a Brno building 🏚️
Not much is known about the history of this printing house, as its history dates back to the late 18th century ⏳
The premises of these printers consisted of 6 buildings.
The buildings on the side from ************ street were partially demolished after an air raid in 1944🛩️
Today only 4 of the 6 buildings remain, thanks to the partial demolition of the site and the buildings with it, as a new district is being built. The last two remaining buildings will have a likely fate as well, but it's only a matter of time before this print shop lies down and is never remembered again 📜
Link to video - https://youtu.be/ZCfi_NYkZQI❤️
Not much is known about the history of this printing house, as its history dates back to the late 18th century ⏳
The premises of these printers consisted of 6 buildings.
The buildings on the side from ************ street were partially demolished after an air raid in 1944🛩️
Today only 4 of the 6 buildings remain, thanks to the partial demolition of the site and the buildings with it, as a new district is being built. The last two remaining buildings will have a likely fate as well, but it's only a matter of time before this print shop lies down and is never remembered again 📜
Link to video - https://youtu.be/ZCfi_NYkZQI❤️
Tiskárna Typia, která se nachází na jednom z dvorků brněnského baráku 🏚️
O historii této tiskárny není mnoho známo, neboť její historie se začla psát už na konci 18 století ⏳
Areál těchto tiskáren byl tvořen 6 budovami.
Budovy ze strany od ************ ulice byly částečně zbourány po náletu v roce 1944🛩️
Dnes ze všech 6 budov zbyly pouze 4, díky částečné demolici areálu a budov s ním, protože se zde začíná stavět nová čtvrť. Pravděpodobný osud budou mít i poslední dvě zbývající budovy, ale je to jen otázkou času, kdy tato tiskárna lehne a nikdo si na ni už nikdy nevzpomene 📜
Odkaz na video - https://youtu.be/ZCfi_NYkZQI❤️
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