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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
Institute for the Mentally Handicapped 💀🖤
Ústav pro mentálně postižené 💀🖤
- viralpatrik
- Institute for the Mentally Handicapped 💀🖤
7 months ago
They experienced evil in this place 🖤💀
We returned to spend the night in an abandoned home for mentally handicapped children. We arranged for this event about a year in advance before we finally started the car and drove across the country 🖤
Around the bend in the hill, this building was already looking out for us. Only in the dark the building looked like something out of a horror movie.
At first impression it seemed that nothing had changed about the building, but after entering inside, we couldn't help but wonder. The building had changed a lot for... show more @viral_patrik
They experienced evil in this place 🖤💀
We returned to spend the night in an abandoned home for mentally handicapped children. We arranged for this event about a year in advance before we finally started the car and drove across the country 🖤
Around the bend in the hill, this building was already looking out for us. Only in the dark the building looked like something out of a horror movie.
At first impression it seemed that nothing had changed about the building, but after entering inside, we couldn't help but wonder. The building had changed a lot for the worse 🌿
Things have disappeared, ceilings have caved in and the water has made a water park in this place. Mushrooms grew and mold started to thrive here too. A building that looks like it's going to collapse at any moment. But isn't that a shame? This place has a really creepy atmosphere and a very unpleasant history. From patient beatings to things we can't quite imagine. This has all been kept under wraps 💀
There is still only unpleasant and negative energy and sadness left in this place. Probably the last time I will be in this place unfortunately. When this place is gone, I'm sure I'll shed a tear....
Video from the sleepover can be found here -
They experienced evil in this place 🖤💀
We returned to spend the night in an abandoned home for mentally handicapped children. We arranged for this event about a year in advance before we finally started the car and drove across the country 🖤
Around the bend in the hill, this building was already looking out for us. Only in the dark the building looked like something out of a horror movie.
At first impression it seemed that nothing had changed about the building, but after entering inside, we couldn't help but wonder. The building had changed a lot for... show more @viral_patrik
They experienced evil in this place 🖤💀
We returned to spend the night in an abandoned home for mentally handicapped children. We arranged for this event about a year in advance before we finally started the car and drove across the country 🖤
Around the bend in the hill, this building was already looking out for us. Only in the dark the building looked like something out of a horror movie.
At first impression it seemed that nothing had changed about the building, but after entering inside, we couldn't help but wonder. The building had changed a lot for the worse 🌿
Things have disappeared, ceilings have caved in and the water has made a water park in this place. Mushrooms grew and mold started to thrive here too. A building that looks like it's going to collapse at any moment. But isn't that a shame? This place has a really creepy atmosphere and a very unpleasant history. From patient beatings to things we can't quite imagine. This has all been kept under wraps 💀
There is still only unpleasant and negative energy and sadness left in this place. Probably the last time I will be in this place unfortunately. When this place is gone, I'm sure I'll shed a tear....
Video from the sleepover can be found here -
Na tomto místě zažívali zlo 🖤💀
Vrátili jsme se přespat do opuštěného ústavu pro mentálně postižené děti. Na tuto akci jsme se domlouvali zhruba rok dopředu, než jsme konečně nastartovali auto a jeli přes celou republiku 🖤
Za kopcem v zatáčce už nás tahle budova vyhlížela. Jen ve tmě budova vypadala jak z nějakého hororu.
Na první dojem to působilo, že se na budově nic nezměnilo, ale po vstupu dovnitř, jsme se nestačili divit. Budova se změnila hodně k horšímu 🌿
Věci zmizely, stropy se propadly a voda si na tomto místě udělala aquapark. Houby se rozrostly a plísni se tady také začalo dařit. Budova, která vypadá, že by se měla každou chvilku propadnout. Ale není to škoda? Tohle místo má opravdu děsivou atmosféru a velice nepěknou historii. Počínaje přes mlácení pacientů až po věci, jenž si nedokážeme úplně představit. Tohle vše bylo utajováno 💀
Na tomto místě zůstala dodnes jen nepříjemná a negativní energie a smutek. Pravděpodobně už jsem na tomto místě byl bohužel naposledy. Až tohle místo zmizí, určitě kápne slza....
Video z přespávačky najdete tady -
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