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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
Institute for mentally handicapped children 🦋
Ústav pro mentálně postižené děti 🦋
- viralpatrik
- Institute for mentally handicapped children 🦋
1 year ago
Saxony, Chemnitz,
Abandoned institution for mentally handicapped children🦋
This building looks a bit strange from afar, it gives you an uncomfortable feeling, even though you don't even know this building, but that's just it. No one would think that this would be a building that housed patients who suffered from mental illnesses and disorders.
But we're getting to the second part, the worse part😔
In times gone by, no one wanted to take care of patients in any mental institution, and this one was no exception.
Torture, cruel conditions and unpleasant nurses were the order of the day. That is why, when... show more Abandoned institution for mentally handicapped children🦋
This building looks a bit strange from afar, it gives you an uncomfortable feeling, even though you don't even know this building, but that's just it. No one would think that this would be a building that housed patients who suffered from mental illnesses and disorders.
But we're getting to the second part, the worse part😔
In times gone by, no one wanted to take care of patients in any mental institution, and this one was no exception.
Torture, cruel conditions and unpleasant nurses were the order of the day. That is why, when the institution was closed, all papers and documents were thrown away so that no one would know what was happening here. Despite the throwing away of papers, a few things are known to have taken place here😵
"When a patient was angry, I used to lock them in a cage in the basement. In that cage was a bed with a soaked mattress. I always took a hose and terrorized with ice water until I got tired of it,🔎
"One boy dropped his food on the floor in the dining room, so I made him eat it off the dirty floor or I wouldn't let him go. The feeling was beautiful,,🔎
I know a few other things about this institute, but I would go on for a long time here, anyway I hope that despite all the negative things, post líbil❤️
Today the institute is decaying and maybe one day soon the story of the institute will end 📙 📙
This building looks a bit strange from afar, it gives you an uncomfortable feeling, even though you don't even know this building, but that's just it. No one would think that this would be a building that housed patients who suffered from mental illnesses and disorders.
But we're getting to the second part, the worse part😔
In times gone by, no one wanted to take care of patients in any mental institution, and this one was no exception.
Torture, cruel conditions and unpleasant nurses were the order of the day. That is why, when... show more Abandoned institution for mentally handicapped children🦋
This building looks a bit strange from afar, it gives you an uncomfortable feeling, even though you don't even know this building, but that's just it. No one would think that this would be a building that housed patients who suffered from mental illnesses and disorders.
But we're getting to the second part, the worse part😔
In times gone by, no one wanted to take care of patients in any mental institution, and this one was no exception.
Torture, cruel conditions and unpleasant nurses were the order of the day. That is why, when the institution was closed, all papers and documents were thrown away so that no one would know what was happening here. Despite the throwing away of papers, a few things are known to have taken place here😵
"When a patient was angry, I used to lock them in a cage in the basement. In that cage was a bed with a soaked mattress. I always took a hose and terrorized with ice water until I got tired of it,🔎
"One boy dropped his food on the floor in the dining room, so I made him eat it off the dirty floor or I wouldn't let him go. The feeling was beautiful,,🔎
I know a few other things about this institute, but I would go on for a long time here, anyway I hope that despite all the negative things, post líbil❤️
Today the institute is decaying and maybe one day soon the story of the institute will end 📙 📙
Opuštěný ústav pro mentálně postižené děti🦋
Tato budova už z dálky vypadá trochu zvláštně, až vyvolává nepříjemný pocit, byť tuto budovu člověk ani nezná, ale to je právě ono. Nikdo by neřekl, že by se mělo jednat o budovu, kde byli pacienti, jenž trpěli mentálními nemoci i poruchy.
Jenže se dostáváme do druhé části, horší části😔
V dobách minulých se o pacienty v žádných léčebnách nikdo starat nechtěl, výjimka nebyla ani tento ústav.
Týrání, kruté podmínky a nepříjemné sestřičky byly na denním pořádku. Proto se po uzavření ústavu všechny papíry i dokumenty vyhodili, aby se nikdo nedozvěděl, co se tady odehrávalo. I přes vyhození papírů je známo, pár věcí, které se tady odehrály😵
"Když pacient zlobil, zavírala jsem je do klece ve sklepě. V té kleci byla postel s namočenou matrací. Vždy jsme vzala hadici a ledovou vodou jsem vždy terorizovala, dokud mně to nepřestalo bavit,,🔎
"Jednomu klukovi spadlo jídlo v jídelně na zem, tak jsem ho nutila, aby to snědl z té špinavé země, jinak bych ho nepustila. Pocit byl krásný,,🔎
O tomto ústavu vím ještě dalších pár věcí, ale to bych se tady rozepisoval ještě dlouho, každopádně doufám, že se i přes veškeré negativní věci, příspěvek líbil❤️
Dnes ústav chátrá a možná jednoho brzkého dne příběh ústavu skončí 📙
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